Marvin Mandel, Governor 933
(5) Morgan State College:
(a) To supplement the appro-
priation "Construction of a
new Library Building in-
cluding utilities and air con-
ditioning" as shown on page
643 of the Acts of 1968, Sec-
tion 10 of Chapter 435 of
the Acts of 1968 having
been waived by Chapter 512
of the Acts of 1970 to pro-
vide that the time within
which the capital improve-
ments set forth in Section
10 of said Chapter 435 must
be placed under contract be
extended for an additional
period of two years from
June 1, 1968 and as amend-
ed by Chapter 409 of the
Acts of 1969 and Chapter
101 of the Acts of 1970 pro-
viding supplementary con-
struction funds; Section 8
of Chapter 435 of the Acts
of 1968, Section 8 of Chap-
ter 409 of the Acts of 1969
and Section 8 of Chapter
101 of the Acts of 1970 be-
ing hereby modified to the
extent that said work may
begin upon satisfactory as-
surances to the Board of
Public Works that said
project can be completed
with the aggregate of the
funds herein and heretofore
appropriated for that pur-
pose ...................................... 400,000
(b) To supplement the appro-
priation "Construction of
expanded Gymnasium fa-
cilities" as shown on page
850 of the Acts of 1966,
Section 10 of Chapter 504
of the Acts of 1966 having
been waived by Chapter 169
of the Acts of 1968 to pro-
vide that the time within
which the capital improve-
ments set forth in Section
10 of said Chapter 504 must
be placed under contract be
extended for an additional
period of two years from