744 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 354
(1) ELECTION DISTRICTS 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12 AND 15 IN
10, AND 12, 13, 14, 16, AND 17.
The eighth congressional district shall consist of the following
parts of Montgomery County:
(a) Election districts 2 through 11, inclusive, in their entirety;
(b) All of election district 13 except precincts 4, 6, 9, 21, 22,
and 41 thereof.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1971.
Approved May 6, 1971.
(Senate Bill 88)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 1-1(a)
(8A), 1-1 (a) (15), 4-1, 4A-1, 4A-4(d), 5-1, 7-l(a), 7-1(b), 8-1, 9-2,
9-4, 10-1, 11-1(a), 11-l(d), 11-2(a), 11-2(b), 11-3(a), and 12-2
(a) of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1967 Re-
placement Volume and 1970 Supplement), (1971 REPLACEMENT
VOLUME), title "Election Code"; to repeal Sections 4A-6 (e) and
6-1 of said Article of said Code; to add new Section 3-9A thereto,
to follow immediately after Section 3-9 thereof; to add new Sec-
tion 4B-1, new subtitle "New Political Parties," thereto, to follow
immediately after Section 4A-8 thereof; to add new Section 4C-1,
new subtitle "Loss of Status as Political Party," thereto, to follow
immediately after new Section 4B-1 thereof; to add new Section
9A-1, new subtitle "Party Designation on Ballot," thereto, to follow
immediately after Section 9-5 thereof; and to add new Section 12-1
(c) thereto, to follow immediately after Section 12-1 (b) thereof;
to provide for Reports of Registration by the various boards of
supervisors of elections in the subdivisions of the State; for a
Statement of Registration by the State Administrative Board
of Election Laws; for the establishment of procedures to be fol-
lowed to form new political parties for purposes of Article 33
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1967 Replacement Volume
and 1970 Supplement), (1971 REPLACEMENT VOLUME), for
the lapse and loss of status of political parties by failure to
poll less than three percentum of the entire vote cast in the State;
for the designation of which political parties must nominate can-
didates by means of primary elections and which political parties
must nominate candidates by means of nominating petitions; for
the regulation of political party designations on the ballot at any
election; for the elimination of nomination of candidates by
means of primary meetings and provisions relating thereto; for