Marvin Mandel, Governor 673
(f) Bulk fertilizer.—The term "bulk fertilizer" means commercial
fertilizer distributed in a nonpackaged form.
(g) Mixed-to-order fertilizer.—The term "mixed-to-order," "buy-
er's mixture" or "custom-mix" means commercial fertilizer mixed
on a specific request of a purchaser according to a formula furnished
by him.
(h) Specialty fertilizer.—The term "specialty fertilizer" means
a commercial fertilizer distributed primarily for nonfarm use, such
as home gardens, lawns, shrubbery, flowers, golf courses, municipal
parks, cemeteries, greenhouses, and nurseries and may include com-
mercial fertilizers used for research or experimental purposes.
(i) Brand.—The term "brand" means the term, design, trade-
mark or other specific designation under which one or more commer-
cial fertilizers or soil conditioners are distributed in this State.
(j) Grade.—The term "grade" means only the percentage of
total nitrogen (N), available phosphoric acid (P205), and soluble
potash (K20) stated in whole numbers in the same terms, order and
percentages as in the "guaranteed analysis." In the case of "specialty
fertilizers" and "mixed-to-order fertilizers" guarantees may be stated
in decimal fractions of whole numbers.
(k) Ton.—The term "ton" means a net weight of two thousand
pounds avoirdupois.
(1) Official sample.—The term "official sample" means any sam-
ple of fertilizer or soil conditioner taken by the State Chemist or his
agent and designated as "official" by the State Chemist.
(m) Percent.—The term "percent" or "percentage" means per-
centage by weight.
(n) Registrant.—The term "registrant" means the person who
registers commercial fertilizer or soil conditioner under the provi-
sions of this subtitle.
(o) Guaranteed analysis.—The term "guaranteed analysis"
means the minimum percentage of plant nutrient claimed as follows:
(1) Total nitrogen (N); available phosphoric acid (P205); solu-
ble potash (K20).
(2) For unacidulated mineral phosphatic materials and basic
slag, both total and available phosphoric acid and the degree of
fineness. For bone, tankage, and other organic phosphatic materials,
total phosphoric acid.
(3) Additional plant nutrients, when claimed, must be expressed
in elemental form.
(4) Potential basicity or acidity may be expressed in terms of
calcium carbonate equivalent in multiples of one hundred pounds
per ton.
(p) Label.—The term "label" means [a display of written, printed
or graphic matter upon or affixed to the container in which commer-
cial fertilizer is distributed, or on the invoice or delivery slip with
which a commercial fertilizer or custom-mix fertilizer is distributed!.
the display of all written, printed or graphic matter on the immediate