Marvin Mandel, Governor 503
rectional Training Commission whose membership shall consist of
the following twelve ELEVEN persons:
(1) The Deputy Secretary for Correctional Services; the Director
of the Division of Parole and Probation; the Commissioner of Cor-
rection; the President of the Maryland Community Correctional
Administrators Association; the President of the Maryland Sheriffs
Association; the President of the Maryland Probation, Parole and
Correction Association; the Chief, Jail Inspection Services, Federal
Bureau of Prisons; the President of the Baltimore City Jail Board;
and three correctional, parole or probation OFFICERS OR officials
of the State to be appointed by the Secretary of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, with the approval of the Governor, to repre-
sent different geographic areas of the State, the appointments to be
made to three-year terms provided that, for the initial term, one
official shall be appointed for a term of one year, one for a term of
two years, and one for a term of three years.
(2) The Deputy Secretary for Correctional Services shall be the
Chairman of the Commission.
(d) (1) The Commission, at its initial organization meeting to be
held promptly after the appointment and qualifications of its mem-
bers, and thereafter annually, shall elect a vice-chairman from
among its members. The Commission shall meet at such times within
the State of Maryland as a majority of its members or its Chair-
man or the Secretary of Public Safety and Correction may deter-
mine. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of any business, the performance of any duty, or
for the exercise of any of its authority.
(2) The Commission shall maintain minutes of its meetings and
such other records as it deems necessary.
(3) The members of the Commission shall receive no salary for
service on the Commission, but all members shall be reimbursed for
their reasonable expenses lawfully incurred in the performance of
their official functions.
(4) The Commission shall report at least annually to the Gov-
ernor, the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services and
the Legislature as to its activities.
(e) Subject to the authority of the Secretary of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, the Commission is vested with the following
powers, authority, responsibilities, and duties:
(1) To prescribe standards for the approval and the continuation
of approval of all schools at which correctional, parole or probation
training courses required by this section THE COMMISSION shall
be conducted including but not limited to present existing State,
regional, county and municipal training schools;
(2) To approve and issue certificates of approval to such correc-
tional training schools, to inspect such schools from time to time,
and to revoke for cause any approval or certificate issued to such
(3) To prescribe the curriculum, the courses of study, attendance
requirements, eligibility to attend, equipment and facilities, and
standards of operation for such training schools;