Index 2815
Res. Page
Elevators, Escalators and Dumbwaiters—
To provide for the appointment of a commission to in-
vestigate and study the existing State laws and rules
and regulations relating to elevators, escalators and
dumbwaiters, to determine the necessity of enacting
laws governing them and to report to the Governor
and to the Legislative Council .......................................... 3 1804
Environment—Earth Day—
To direct the Governor to proclaim the third Wednesday
in April of every year as Earth Day and to proclaim
the week from the Monday preceding Earth Day to the
Monday following as Earth Week .................................. 14 1815
To request the Governor of Maryland to extend the life
of the Governor's Commission on Environmental
Education from June 30, 1971 to January 1, 1972.......... 25 1830
Environment—Land Reservation legislation—
To request the Legislative Council to appoint a com-
mittee to study the desirability of enacting land
reservation legislation ...................................................... 18 1819
To request the Department of Natural Resources to
undertake a study of the problems of supply and
availability of mineral resources and the parallel prob-
lem of ways of minimizing the effects of surface
mining on the environment .............................................. 30 1834
Fells Point—
To request the Governor of Maryland to appoint a
Commission to study and make recommendations on
the preservation of Fells Point in Baltimore. (Not
approved by the Governor) .............................................. 76 1874
Fenwick Lighthouse—
To urge the Governors of Maryland and Delaware to
cooperate in determining the feasibility of restoring
Fenwick Lighthouse and making it an historic land-
mark ........................................................................................ 65 1866
Fine Arts Week—
To request that the Governor proclaim the week of June
13 to June 20, 1971, as "Fine Arts Week" ...................... 35 1838
To request a study of the sharp increase in daily per
capita costs for food for patients in mental institutions
and institutions for the retarded in Maryland................ 67 1867
Forests and Parks—Boy Scouts—
To request the Department of Forests and Parks to make
the camping facilities of the Maryland parks system
available to the Maryland Units of the Boy Scouts of
America on a year-round basis ........................................ 36 1839