Index 2813
Res. Page
To request Western Union to cease in its attempts to
close the Western Union office in Aberdeen, Maryland,
and supplant it with substitute service ............................ 40 1843
To request a special subcommittee of the Legislative
Council to study the feasibility, methods, and proce-
dures of strengthening existing and devising new
aquacultural practices and procedures in the State of
Maryland ................................................................................ 38 1841
Arundel Expressway—
To request the Chairman of the State Roads Commission
and the Secretary of Transporation to study the feasi-
bility of completing the proposed Arundel Expressway
from its presently planned terminus to the vicinity of
Annapolis as a highway wholly financed from the pro-
ceeds of toll revenue bonds or partially financed from
those proceeds .................................................................... 4 1805
Auto and Fire Insurance—
To request the establishment of a Governor's Commis-
sion to study and investigate the inability of the
people of Maryland to obtain fire and auto insurance
at a reasonable rate. (Not approved by the Governor) 75 1873
Bowen, George A. "Gabby"—
To express the deep and personal regrets of every mem-
ber of the General Assembly over the untimely passing
of Mr. Bowen ...................................................................... 15 1816
To request the Legislative Council to study the Constitu-
tional provisions relating to the budgetary process of
the State government. (Not approved by the Gover-
nor) ........................................................................................ 78 1876
Censors, Board of—
To request the Maryland State Board of Censors to
recommend that previews of restricted or limited
audience films not be shown to general audiences in
motion picture theatres ...................................................... 31 1835
Chronically Ill—
To request the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
to investigate ways by which the State can assist hos-
pitals in providing more beds for chronically ill aged
patients .................................................................................. 28 1832