2632 Reports
The General Assembly Compensation Commission, pursuant to Article
III, Section 15 of the Constitution of Maryland, does hereby adopt the
following resolution determining the compensation and allowances of mem-
bers of the General Assembly.
RESOLVED, that from and after January 1, 1971, the members of
the General Assembly shall be entitled to receive compensation and allow-
ances in accordance with the two items contained in this resolution and
no other compensation and allowances of any kind whatsoever:
Item 1.
(a) Each member of the General Assembly, except the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, shall receive an
annual salary of eleven thousand dollars ($11,000), accounting from Jan-
uary 13, 1971, and payable bi-weekly.
(b) The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Delegates shall each receive an annual salary of thirteen thousand dollars
($13,000), accounting from January 13, 1971, and payable bi-weekly.
(c) Each member of the General Assembly shall, upon presentation
of an expense voucher, be reimbursed for his expenses actually incurred for
meals and lodging caused by his attendance at regular, extended or extra-
ordinary sessions of the General Assembly of Maryland and meetings of
the Legislative Council, or scheduled committee or subcommittee meetings
of either. The form of the expense voucher required shall be that prescribed
by the Secretary of Personnel and, in determining expenses allowable under
this resolution for meals and lodging, the guidelines and procedures set
out in the Standard Travel Regulations of the State of Maryland, effective
July 1, 1963, as amended from time to time by the Secretary of Personnel,
shall control, except that in no event shall a member be reimbursed for
expenses in excess of twenty-five dollars ($25) per day.
(d) Each member shall be reimbursed for his expenses actually
incurred in traveling between his home and the place of a session or
meeting described in Paragraph (c) of Item 1, at the rate of ten cents
(10¢) per mile if such travel is by automobile, and at the actual cost but
not exceeding ten cents (10¢) per mile if such travel is by other means.
Item 2.
Each member of the General Assembly, with or without years of
service in the General Assembly prior to 1971, shall be entitled to partici-
pate in a pension plan, the provisions of which are as follows:
(a) Each member of the General Assembly who notifies the Em-
ployees' Retirement System (hereinafter called the "System") on or before
March 15, 1971 (or within sixty days after taking office for members of the
General Assembly taking office after January 13, 1971) in writing, on a
form to be provided to each such member of the General Assembly by the
System as soon as practicable, that he wishes to participate in this pension
plan shall become a participating member.
(b) "Years of service" shall mean the number of full years and
fraction thereof during which a participating member serves in the General
Assembly and for which he makes contributions at the prescribed rate.
"Years of service" shall also include all or part of such service rendered
between July 1, 1966 and December 31, 1970 but for which the participat-