2600 County Local Laws
(d) Before [February 16, 1970] December 1, 1970, the planning
board shall recommend to the county council a complete countywide
zoning map (which may be a series of maps, portions of which may be
approved separately), in accordance with the procedures set forth above.
Within seven days after such action, the director of planning shall trans-
mit the proposed zoning map or portion thereof to the county council.
Within the one-year period immediately preceding [February 16, 1973]
April 16, 1976, and within each one-year period immediately preceding
[February] April 16th of every fourth year thereafter, the planning board,
after completely reviewing the zoning map then in effect, shall recommend
to the county council a new or comprehensively revised version of such
map, in accordance with the procedures set forth above. Within seven
days after each such action, the director of planning shall transmit said
proposed new or revised zoning map in the county council. The pro-
visions of this subsection are mandatory and shall apply regardless of
any optional actions taken under subsections (a), (b), or (c).
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section 22-21.1
of the Baltimore County Code, 1968 (1969 Cumulative Supplement) title
"Planning, Zoning, and Subdivision Control", Article III, Zoning, be and it
is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
Section 22-21.1. County council action on regularly revised zoning map.
Each time the county council receives a recommended zoning map from
the director of planning under the procedure set forth in subsection (d)
of Section 22-20, the county council shall forthwith schedule a hearing or
hearings thereon, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section
22-21 [and shall, by June 30th of each of the years]. Before March 31,
1971, the council shall adopt the entire county-wide map previously recom-
mended by the planning board, with such revisions as may be made in
accordance with Section 22-21. Before October 16th of 1976 and before
October 16th of each of the later years in which it is required in this
title that the proposed version of said map be [submitted] recommended
by the [director of planning,] planning board, the council shall adopt the
[entire map as it may be revised by the council] complete county-wide
zoning map last so recommended, with such revisions as may be made in
accordance with Section 22-21.
Section 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That subsections (c),
(d) and (i) of Section 22-22 of the Baltimore County Code, 1968 (1969
Cumulative Supplement) title "Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control",
Article III. Zoning, be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, all to read as follows:
(c) For the purpose of considering contemporaneous zoning reclass-
ification petitions in relation to each other and according to a standard
schedule, the following semi-annually recurring schedule periods are
hereby established, [not to become applicable, however, until July 1,
1970] to be applicable on and after April 16, 1971, subject to provisions
hereinafter set forth:
April-October Cycle October-April Cycle
Period I
Period II
Period III
Period IV
April 16-May 31
October 16-Nov. 30
June 1-July 31
December 1-Jan. 31
Sept. 1-Oct. 15
March 1-April 15