Anne Arundel County 2557
merits), Title 1, "Administration", Subtitle 2, "Personnel", Article II,
"Classified Service", revising the classifications and/or salary grades in
the Typing, Stenographic and Secretarial Series, Unskilled and Semi-
Skilled Labor Series, General Administrative Series, Public Safety
Group, Fire Series, Police Series and Technical Group, respectively;
to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 1-217 (46A), (46B),
(47) and (57), respectively, of said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article,
changing the qualifications for Programmer, Senior Programmer,
Data Processing Manager and Chief Plumbing Inspector, respectively;
to repeal Sections 1-217 (52), (60) and (155) of said Code, Title, Sub-
title and Article; eliminating the positions of Weights and Measures
Inspector, Trailer Park Inspector and Animal Shelter Keeper, respec-
tively; to repeal Sections 1-217 (51), (53), (54), (55), (59), (156)
and (157), respectively, of said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article, and to
enact new Sections 1-217 (51), (53), (54), (55), (59), (156) and
(157) in lieu thereof, respectively, to stand in the place of the sections
so repealed, respectively, eliminating the position of Amusement In-
spector and adding the position of Combination Inspector, changing
the standards for the positions of Building Inspector I, Building In-
spector II, Chief Building Inspector, Chief Electrical Inspector and
Animal Warden, and eliminating the position of Animal Field Supervis-
or and adding the position of Animal Control Supervisor; to add new
Sections 1-217 (6A) and (46C) of said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article
to follow immediately after Sections 1-217 (6) and (46D), respectively,
setting forth standards for the positions of Executive Secretary
and Principal Programmer, respectively; and matters generally re-
lated thereto.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Sections 1-215 (a) (4),
(b) (5), (c) (2), (d) (1), (2) and (3) and (e) (1) of the Anne Arundel
County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements) be, and they are hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Section 1-215
(a) (4) 1800 Typing, Stenographic and
Secretarial Series
1821 Clerk Typist .................................................. 3
1822 Senior Clerk Typist...................................... 6
1841 Clerk Stenographer ...................................... 4
1842 Senior Clerk Stenographer ........................ 8
1861 Personnel Technician .................................. 8
1862 Senior Personnel Technician ...................... 12
1881 Secretary ......................................................... 11
1882 Executive Secretary...................................... 13
(b)(5) 3900 Unskilled and Semi-Skilled
Labor Series
[3911 Animal Shelter Keeper................................ 3(H)]
3921 Laborer .......................................................... 6(H)
3931 Trades Helper .............................................. 6(H)
3951 Tree Trimmer .............................................. 8(H)
3975 Crew Leader ................................................ 11(H)
3978 Foreman ........................................................ 14(H)
(c)(2) 5300 General Administrative Series
5311 Management Assistant ................................ 16
5312 Senior Management Assistant.................... 18