2424 County Local Laws
a. To adjourn to a certain time or to adjourn
b. To lay on the table
c. To close debate
d. To postpone to a certain time
e. To amend or to amend an amendment.
Such motions shall have precedence in the order stated above and none
shall be debatable except a motion to amend or to amend that amendment.
A majority vote of members present shall be required for adoption of any
such motion except that a ⅔ vote of the members in office shall be required
for adoption of a motion to close debate. After adoption of a motion to
close debate, all incidental questions of order, whether on appeal or other-
wise, shall be decided without debate. A motion to amend the title of a bill
shall not be in order until the bill has been considered in full on call for
final reading. A motion to strike out the enacting clause of a bill or to
postpone indefinitely shall not be in order. When a bill or resolution has
been laid upon the table, the said item may not be taken up for considera-
tion again during the remainder of that session or meeting.
7.4 Reconsideration.
When a question has once been decided, a motion of reconsideration
is in order if the bill, resolution, motion or matter upon which the vote is
taken is still in the possession of the Council. No motion for reconsideration
is in order unless made on the same day on which the original vote was
taken, or at the next meeting or next session of the County Council there-
after. A motion for reconsideration of emergency legislation may be made
only on the same day on which the original vote was taken. The motion for
reconsideration may be made by any member who voted with the majority
vote of all members present and voting, or by any absent member. Nothing
herein however shall prevent any member from introducing a new bill,
motion, or resolution on the same subject matter at a future date.
8.1 Introduction of Bills or Resolutions.
Resolutions may be introduced by any member(s) at any meeting.
Bills may be introduced by any member (s) at any legislative session. A
bill as introduced shall be printed, or typewritten and shall be in the form
provided for in Section 9 of these rules. No bill shall be received for
introduction unless the Secretary has certified on the copy introduced that
twenty-five copies are immediately available for distribution to the public
and to the press. On receipt from a member(s) of a bill for introduction
by him, the Secretary shall cause such number of copies (not less than
twenty-five) as he deems necessary, to be prepared in proper form, and
when prepared, shall deliver a copy with his certification to the member(s)
for introduction. On introduction, the Secretary shall make copies available
for distribution to the public and the press, shall distribute one copy to
each member, and shall maintain copies in the office of the Secretary for
distribution to the public.
Section 9. FORM OF BILLS.
9.1 Heading.
The heading of a bill shall be as follows: