Upper Marlboro 2189
throughout the Town, but may be changed from year to year and subject
to such reasonable classification of connections as the Board by ordinance
may determine. Arrangements for the payment of this charge shall be
made before the connection is made.
Sec. 82-72. (Improper Uses). In order to prevent any leakage or
waste of water or other improper use of the Town's water system or sewage
disposal system, the Town may require such changes in plumbing, fixtures,
or connections as it deems necessary to prevent such waste or improper use.
Sec. 82-73. (Private Systems). The Town may by ordinance provide
that no water supply, sewerage, or storm water drainage system, and no
water mains, sewers, drains, or connections therewith, shall be constructed
or operated by any person or persons, firm, corporation, institution, or
community, whether upon private premises or otherwise, and may provide
that cesspools or other private methods of sewerage disposal shall be oper-
ated and maintained in such a manner that they do not and will not be
likely to affect adversely the public comfort and health and any cesspool
or other private method of sewage disposal affecting or likely to affect
adversely the public comfort and health may be deemed a nuisance and
may be abated by the Town. Any violation of an ordinance passed under
the provisions of this section shall be made a misdemeanor.
Sec. 82-74. (Extensions Beyond Boundaries). The Town shall have
the power to extend its water or sewerage systems beyond the Town limits.
Sec. 82-75. (Right of Entry). Any employee or agent of the Town,
while in the necessary pursuit of his official duties with regard to the water
or sewage disposal systems operated by the Town, shall have the right of
entry, for access to water or sewer installations, at all reasonable hours,
and after reasonable advance notice to the owner, tenant, or person in
possession, upon any premises and into any building in the Town or in
the County served by the Town's water or sewage disposal system. Any
restraint or hindrance offered to such entry by any owner, tenant, or person
in possession, or the agent of any of them, shall be a misdemeanor.
Sec. 82-76. (Pollution of Water Supply). No person shall do any-
thing which will discolor, pollute, or tend to pollute any water used or to
be used in the Town water supply system. Any violation of the provisions
of this section shall be a misdemeanor.
Sec. 82-77. (Contracts for Water). The Town, if it deems it advis-
able, may contract with any party or parties, inside or outside the Town,
to obtain or provide water or to provide for the removal of sewage.
Sec. 82-78. (Charges). The Town shall have the power to charge and
collect such service rates, water rents, ready-to-serve charges, or other
charges as it deems necessary for water supplied and for the removal of
sewage. These charges are to be billed and collected by the treasurer, and
if bills are unpaid within thirty days, the service may be discontinued.
All charges shall be a lien on the property and may be collected in the
same manner as Town taxes.
Sec. 82-79. (Power: Special Assessments). The Town shall have
the power to levy and collect taxes in the form of special assessments upon
property in a limited and determinable area for special benefits conferred
upon such property by the installation, or construction of water mains,