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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2156   View pdf image
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2156                                Municipal Charters

87.    (Condemnation): The Town shall have the power to condemn
property of any kind, or interest therein or franchise connected therewith,
in fee or as an easement, within the corporate limits of the Town, for any
public purpose. Any activity, project, or improvement authorized by the
provisions of this Charter or any other State law applicable to the Town
shall be deemed to be a public purpose. The manner of procedure in case
of any condemnation proceeding shall be that established in Article 33A
of the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland (1957
Edition, as amended), title "Eminent Domain."

88.    (Town Buildings): The Town shall have the power to acquire,
to obtain by lease or rent, to purchase, construct, operate, and maintain
all buildings and structures it deems necessary for the operation of the
Town government.

89.    (Protection of Town Property): The Town shall have the power
to do whatever may be necessary to protect Town property and to keep all
Town property in good condition.


90.    (Oath of Office) :

(a)    Before entering upon the duties of their offices, the Mayor, the
Councilmen, the Clerk, the Treasurer, the members of the Board of Super-
visors of Elections, and all other persons elected or appointed to any office
of profit or trust in the Town government shall take and subscribe the

following oath or affirmation: "I,................................, do swear (or affirm,

as the case may be), that I will support the Constitution of the United
States; and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of
Maryland, and support the Constitution and Laws thereof; and that I will,
to the best of my skill and judgment, diligently and faithfully, without

partiality or prejudice, execute the office of................................, according

to the Constitution and Laws of this State."

(b)    The Mayor shall take and subscribe this oath or affirmation
before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County or before one of the
sworn deputies of the Clerk. All other persons taking and subscribing the
oath shall do so before the Mayor.

91.    (Official Bonds): The Clerk, the Treasurer, and such other offi-
cers or employees of the Town as the Council or this Charter may require,
shall give bond in such amount and with such surety as may be required
by the Council. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Town.

92.    (Prior Rights and Obligations): All right, title, and interest
held by the Town or any other person or corporation at the time this Char-
ter is adopted, in and to any lien acquired under any prior Charter of the
Town, are hereby preserved for the holder in all respects as if this Charter
had not been adopted, together with all rights and remedies in relation
thereto. This Charter shall not discharge, impair, or release any contract,
obligation, duty, liability, or penalty whatever existing at the time this
Charter becomes effective. All suits and actions, both civil and criminal,
pending, or which may hereafter be instituted for causes of action now
existing of offenses already committed against any law or ordinance re-
pealed by this Charter, shall be instituted, proceeded with, and prosecuted
to final determination and judgment as if this Charter had not become


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2156   View pdf image
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