2150 Municipal Charters
58. (Payment of Indebtedness): The power and obligation of the
Town to borrow money, pay any and all bonds, notes, or other evidences
of indebtedness issued by it under the authority of this Charter shall be
limited to $10,000.00 and the Town shall levy ad valorem taxes upon all
the taxable property of the Town for the payment of such bonds, notes, or
other evidences of indebtedness and interest thereon limit to the amount of
$10,000.00 on approval of Mayor and Finance office. The faith and credit
of the Town is hereby pledged for the payment of the principal of and the
interest on all bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, hereafter
issued under the authority of this Charter, whether or not such pledge be
stated in the bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, or in the
ordinance authorizing their issuance.
59. (Previous Issues): All bonds, notes, or other evidences of in-
debtedness validly issued by the Town previous to the effective date of this
Charter and all ordinances passed concerning them are hereby declared
to be valid, legal, and binding and of full force and effect as if herein fully
set forth.
60. (Purchasing and Contracts): All purchases and contracts for
the Town government shall be made by the Treasurer. The Council may
provide by ordinance for rules and regulations regarding the use of com-
petitive bidding and contracts for all Town purchases and contracts. All
expenditures for supplies, materials, equipment, construction of public im-
provements, or contractual service involving more than one thousand dol-
lars ($1,000) shall be made on written contract. The Treasurer shall be
required to advertise for sealed bids, in such manner as may be prescribed
by ordinance, for all such written contracts. Such written contracts shall
be awarded to the bidder who offers the lowest or best bid, quality of
goods and work, time of delivery or completion, and responsibility of bid-
ders being considered. All such written contracts shall be approved by the
Council before becoming effective. The Treasurer shall have the right to
reject all bids and readvertise. The Town at any time in its discretion may
employ its own forces for the construction or reconstruction of public im-
provements without advertising for (or readvertising for) or receiving
bids. All written contracts may be protected by such bonds, penalties, and
conditions as the Town may require.
61. (Town Clerk): A Town Clerk shall be appointed by the Mayor
with the approval of the Council who shall serve as Clerk to the Council.
His compensation shall be determined from time to time by resolution of
the Council. He shall attend every meeting of the Council and keep a full
and accurate account of the proceedings of the Council. He shall keep
such other records and perform such other duties as he may be required
by this Charter or by the Council. Clerk will be a registered voter of the
62. (Town Attorney): The Mayor with the approval of the Council
may appoint a Town Attorney. The Town Attorney shall be a member of
the bar of the Maryland Court of Appeals. The Town Attorney shall be
the legal adviser of the Town and shall perform such duties in this connec-
tion as may be required by the Council or the Mayor. His compensation
shall be determined by the Council. The Town shall have the power to
employ such legal consultants as it deems necessary from time to time.
63. (Authority to Employ Personnel): The Town shall have the
power to employ such officers and employees as it deems necessary to exe-