Marvin Mandel, Governor 1917
On the other hand, we are unable to come to the same conclusion
of constitutionality with regard to the second aspect of this bill which
provides that where any such privately owned water supply and
sewerage system has been built in connection with, and for the pur-
pose of, developing home sites by private persons, the inquisition jury
is entitled to take from the value of the system such sum or sums as
it may reasonably determine was added to the purchase price of lots,
the sale of which was in part induced by the development of such
systems. In our judgment, this aspect of the bill would deprive the
owner of such systems of compensation commensurate with the fair
market value of such property in contravention of Article III, Section
40 of the Maryland Constitution.
We would be glad to respond to any further questions that you
may have with regard to this bill.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Francis B. Burch,
Attorney General.
House Bill No. 799—Representation in Testamentary Laws
AN ACT to repeal Section 1-210(a) of Article 93 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1969 Replacement Volume and 1970 Supple-
ment), title "Decedents' Estates," subtitle "General Provisions," sub-
heading "Determining Relationship," and to enact new Section 1-210
(a) in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the section repealed, to
clarify and alter the manner of intestate succession as done by rep-
resentation per stirpes and matters generally relating thereto.
May 28, 1971.
Honorable Thomas Hunter Lowe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Con-
stitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 799.
This bill establishes the methods for determining representation
for the issue of grandparents and great-grandparents.
The Attorney General has advised me that House Bill 218 is
defective, and for this reason I have vetoed this bill. The Attorney
General has further informed me that House Bill 799 should not be
signed by me if House Bill 218 is vetoed. For the reasons given in
the attached copy of the Attorney General's opinion, which is to be
considered a part of this message, I believe that House Bill 799 must
be vetoed.
/s/ Marvin Mandel,