1818 Joint Resolutions
over the passing of George A. "Gabby" Bowen, a long time reporter
for The Associated Press; and, be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State be requested to send a copy
of this Resolution to Mrs. Bowen, and to The Associated Press.
Approved May 6, 1971.
No. 16
(Senate Joint Resolution 56)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the State Roads Commission to fix
an alternate routing for an extension to Interstate Highway I-95
so that Fort McHenry will not be jeopardized.
The General Assembly is acutely aware of the need for extensive
highway facilities for the citizens of Maryland. It is also aware that
citizens have other needs. One is the need to preserve the American
heritage and protect our culture.
Of prime importance to the American heritage is Fort McHenry.
The Fort was critical to victory in the War of 1812, and is well-known
as the Birthplace of the Star Spangled Banner. It is visited yearly
by thousands of patriotic Americans.
Many descendants of the American soldiers who defended the Fort
are Maryland citizens today. They and other Maryland citizens are
proud to claim the Fort as a focal point of American history. All
citizens, both of the State and the Nation, are keenly interested in
preserving such an important part of our national history and culture.
It is the duty of the representatives of these citizens to strike a
balance between the need to have available a satisfactory highway
system, and the need to preserve a heritage which can never be
replaced. In performing this duty, the General Assembly of Maryland
issues a Call to the Colors to all veterans groups and all other patriotic
Marylanders and Americans to aid and support the protection of our
national heritage in Fort McHenry.
Inasmuch as the State Roads Commission is considering routing an
extension of Interstate Highway I-95 through or near Fort McHenry,
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the State
Roads Commission be strongly urged and requested to develop an
alternate routing for Interstate Highway I-95 so that Fort McHenry
is neither jeopardized nor compromised as a focal point of American
history; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Chairman
of the State Roads Commission, American Legion, D. A. V., Veterans
of Foreign Wars, Daughters of the American Revolution, Star Span-
gled Banner Committee and members of the Flag House Committee.
Approved May 6, 1971.