1806 Joint Resolutions
feasibility of completing the proposed Arundel Expressway from
its presently planned terminus to the vicinity of Annapolis as a
highway wholly financed from the proceeds of toll revenue bonds
or partially financed from the proceeds of toll revenue bonds.
Whereas, Annapolis, the Capitol of the State of Maryland, can
readily be reached by vehicular traffic from the west via the John
Hanson Highway; from the east via Routes 50 and 301 and from
the south via Route 301, all of which provide adequate access to the
Capitol from the west, east and south, and
Whereas, the Arundel Expressway traversing a route generally
from the north to the vicinity of Annapolis, when completed, will
provide adequate access from that direction. However, financing is
not now available or expected to become available in the immediate
future to complete said highway, and
Whereas, legislation is being introduced currently with this Reso-
lution which would authorize the construction of such Arundel
Expressway as a toll highway or a highway partially financed from
toll receipts; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Chairman of the State Roads Commission of
Maryland (sometimes referred to under the provisions of Chapter
526 of the Acts of 1970, the Act creating the Department of Trans-
portation, as Director of Highways of the State of Maryland) and
the Secretary of Transportation are requested to conduct or have
conducted a study to determine the feasibility of completing the
Arundel Expressway from its presently planned and financed ter-
minus to the vicinity of Annapolis as a toll road to be financed from
the sale of toll revenue bonds or partially financed from the proceeds
of the sale of toll revenue bonds and partially financed from other
sources, and be it further
Resolved, That the said Chairman of the State Roads Commission,
working in conjunction with the Secretary of Transportation, be
and they are hereby requested to use such engineering, traffic and
other expert assistance as may be available within their respective
departments, or requested to obtain the services and advice of out-
side engineering, traffic and other expertise necessary to conclude
this study, and be it further
Resolved, That the said Chairman or Secretary is requested to
make a report of their findings and recommendations to the Legis-
lative Council of Maryland on or before October 1, 1971, and be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of the General Assembly of Mary-
land that the State Roads Commission or the Secretary of Trans-
portation, as the case may be, be and is hereby authorized to expend
from the State Roads Commission's Construction and Maintenance
Fund, or the Secretary of Transportation's Gasoline and Motor
Vehicle Revenue Account, such sum of money as may be necessary
to pay for the cost of independent engineering or traffic studies
necessary to complete this request, and be it further
Resolved, That the Chairman of the State Roads Commission is
requested to initiate this study, however, he shall proceed in coopera-