1784 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 793
to be made, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer
from whom the appeal is taken.
4.08. Appeals to courts.
(a) Who may appeal; procedure.—Any person or persons,
jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the board of ap-
peals, or by a re-classification by the local legislative body, or any
taxpayer, or any officer, department, board, bureau of the jurisdic-
tion, may appeal the same to the circuit court of the county. Such
appeal shall be taken according to the Maryland Rules as set forth in
Chapter 1100, Subtitle B.
4.08. Appeals to courts.
(d) Issues under subsection have preference.—All issues in any
proceeding under this [section] subsection shall have preference
over all other civil actions and proceedings.
5.03. Regulations.
(a) Before exercising the powers referred to in [Section] sub-
section 5.02, the planning commission shall prepare regulations
governing the subdivision of land within its jurisdiction. Such regu-
lations may provide for adequate shore erosion control, sediment con-
trol and protection from flooding, the proper arrangement of
streets, in relation to other existing planned streets and to the
master plan, for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic,
utilities, access of fire-fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air,
and for the avoidance of congestion of population, including mini-
mum width and area of lots.
5.07. Status of existing platting statutes.
From and after the time when a planning commission shall have
control over subdivisions as provided in [Section] subsection 5.01
of this [subtitle] article, the jurisdiction of the planning commission
over plats shall be exclusive within the territory under its jurisdic-
tion, and all statutory control over plats or subdivisions of land
granted by other statutes shall, insofar as in harmony with the pro-
visions of this [subtitle] article be deemed transferred to the plan-
ning commission of such jurisdiction.
6.02. Control of development in bed of mapped streets.
From and after the recording of any street plat approved by the
local legislative body, as provided in [Section] subsection 6.01 of
this article, no permit shall be issued for any development on any
part of the land between the lines of a proposed street as thus
platted; provided, however, that the board of zoning appeals of the
jurisdiction in which the location of such platted street lies, or a
special board of appeals which may be created for the purpose of
the local legislative body of the jurisdiction, shall have the power,
upon an appeal filed with it by the owner of any such land and by
a vote of a majority of its members, to grant a permit for a develop-
ment in such platted street location in any case in which such board
finds, upon the evidence and arguments presented to it upon such
appeal: (a) That the entire property of the appellant, of which