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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1772   View pdf image
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1772                             Laws of Maryland                      [Ch. 790

is enrolled and is regularly attending classes in a nurses' training
school chartered or approved pursuant to State law; and service
performed as an interne in the employ of a hospital by an individual
who has completed a four years' course in a medical school chartered
or approved pursuant to State law;

[(N)] (xiv) Service performed by an individual for a person
as an insurance agent or as an insurance solicitor, if all [such] of the
service performed by [such] that individual for [such] that person
is performed for remuneration solely by way of commission; or

[(O)] (xv) Casual labor performed after January 1, 1945, not
in the course of the employer's usual trade, occupation, profession or

[(P)] (xvi) Service performed by real estate salesmen on a
commission basis for licensed real estate brokers to the same extent
they are now or may hereafter be exempted by federal law.

[(Q)] (xvii) Service performed as a part-time school bus opera-
tor, if [such] that operator has other full-time employment or
another full-time occupation.

[(R)] (xviii) Services performed on a part-time basis as a
marketing research interviewer outside of all of the places of busi-
ness of the enterprises for which [such] that service is performed

[(i)] If the service is performed pursuant to a written contract
of not more than sixty (60) days duration which expressly states
that the research survey interviewer is responsible for the payment
of federal self-employment taxes and understands that he is not
within covered employment as defined in this article; and

[(ii)] If the sale of or solicitation to purchase any goods or
services is not a part of the service performed by such marketing
research interviewer.

[(8)] (9) Part covered and part exempt services.—If [, after
December 31, 1940,] the services performed during one-naif or
more of any pay period by an individual for the person employing
him constitute employment, all the services of [such] that individ-
ual for [such] that period shall be deemed to be employment, [but]
However, if the services performed during more than one-half of
any such pay period by an individual for the person employing him
do not constitute employment, then none of the services of [such]
that individual for [such] that period shall be deemed to be employ-
ment. As used in this subsection the term "pay period" means a
period (of not more than thirty-one consecutive days) for which a
payment of remuneration is ordinarily made to the individual by
the person employing him. This subsection shall not be applicable
with respect to services performed in a pay period by an individual
for the person employing him, where any of [such] those services
is excepted by subsection (g) [(7)] (8) [(C)] (iii) of this [sub-
section] Section.

[(9)] (10) Services performed within the geographical bound-
aries of this State on land owned, held or possessed by the United
States government shall be deemed to be employment within this


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1772   View pdf image
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