1162 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 520
the various State loans or installments thereof, which are being
sold as a single issue. Each of said [certificates] bonds shall be
signed and countersigned in the manner prescribed in Section 3 of
Article VI of the Maryland Constitution.
(e) In the adoption of the resolution authorizing the sale of
each "State and local facilities loan," the Board of Public Works
shall also determine and set forth the following matters:
(1) The form of the [certificate] bond representing the "State
and local facilities loan" so authorized to be issued, including any
any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and provisions for the
issuance of [certificates] bonds in coupon or in registered form
or both, and provisions for the registration of [any coupon certifi-
cates as to the principal of the loan and for the reconversion into
coupon certificates of any certificates registered as to principal.]
the principal only of bonds having coupons attached, and provisions
for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to
both principal and interest. ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN COUPON
(2) The denomination or denominations of the [certificates]
bonds to be issued, which may not be less than one hundred dollars
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) but may be in sums of one
hundred dollars ON HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) or any suit-
able multiple thereof, and the place or places of payment of principal
and interest thereof THEREON.
(3) The rate or rates of interest of the [certificates] bonds to
be issued, not exceeding in any case the lowest maximum interest
rate or rates permitted by any of the various State enabling acts
authorizing the State loans or installments thereof comprising the
"State and local facilities loan" then being authorized. , PAYABLE
(4) The date of the [certificates] bonds to be issued.
(5) The dates when any of the [certificates] bonds representing
said loan are to be [redeemed] paid and the amount to be
[redeemed] paid upon such dates, respectively [, according to the
serial annuity plan applied to said loan].
The Board of Public Works, in addition to providing for the above
matters, shall advertise once before the [certificates of indebted-
ness] bonds shall be issued in two newspapers published in the
City of Baltimore and in such other manner as the Board of Public
Works in its discretion may determine, that the Treasurer of this
State will [,] be in readiness at a time within twenty (20) days
after the expiration of said notice[,] to receive bids at such place
or places as may be named in said respective advertisements for
bonds [or certificates of indebtedness] issued under the provisions
of the various State enabling acts authorizing the respective "State
and local facilities loan," under such regulations as may be made in
the discretion of the Board of Public Works; and the accrued interest
between the date of the bonds [or certificates of indebtedness] and
the [time of sale and] date of delivery of and payment for said bonds
[or certificates of indebtedness] shall be adjusted with the pur-
chaser thereof under such regulations as may be made in the dis-
cretion of the Board of Public Works; and upon the day mentioned