Marvin Mandel, Governor 1067
(b) The [commission] Department shall then determine in the
manner above prescribed the amount which it deems necessary to
be raised during the ensuing year for the payment of interest on
all outstanding bonds and the principal of all serial bonds maturing
in said year, and after deducting all amounts in hand or in con-
templation applicable to payments of interest and principal on said
bonds as hereinbefore and hereinafter in the chapter provided; it
shall determine the number of cents per $100.00 necessary to raise
the said amount for each such sanitary district and shall certify the
same to the board of county commissioners. The said county com-
missioners in their next annual levy shall levy said taxes on all land
and improvements and all other property assessed for county tax
purposes within the respective sanitary district, which tax shall be
levied and collected and have the same priority rights, bear the
same interest and penalties and in every respect be treated the same
as county taxes.
(c) The tax so levied for the ensuing year shall be collected by
the tax collecting authorities and every sixty days they shall remit
the whole amount of the tax so collected to the [commission] De-
partment. From the money so received, together with the amount in
hand to the credit of said fund, the [commission] Department shall
first pay all interest and principal on said bonds as it becomes due,
and shall then deposit the residue of said moneys in some bank or
banks in said county to the joint credit of the county commissioners
and the [commission] Department. The [commission] Department
is authorized to pay the interest on any bonds it may issue out of
the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, but not more than one year's
interest may be so expended.
(d) Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit or
restrict the unconditional liability of the county commissioners of
Cecil County, under its guarantee aforesaid, for the prompt payment
of the principal of and the interest on any of the above described
bonds. If, in any year, the taxes, assessments or funds above pro-
vided in the payment of such principal and interest shall prove
insufficient for such purpose, the county commissioners shall, upon
notification from the [commission] Department, make up the differ-
ence from its general funds and said county commissioners are
hereby expressly authorized to levy ad valorem taxes upon all prop-
erty in the county subject to assessment for unlimited county taxa-
tion in rate and amount sufficient for said purpose. In any year
following the occurrence of any such deficiency with respect to a
particular sanitary district, the county commissioners may recover
said payment by an increase in the taxes and assessments levied or
imposed in said district.
Whenever the plans and specifications for water supply, sewerage
or drainage systems for any sanitary district shall have been com-
pleted and the [commission] Department shall have decided after
opportunity for a hearing has been given to proceed with the con-
struction thereof, it shall advertise, by notice in one newspaper
published in Cecil County and such newspapers and technical press
as it may deem proper, for bids for the construction of said system
or systems, in part or as a whole, as in its judgment may appear
advisable. The contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder,