Marvin Mandel, Governor 99
Governor, and the appointee is to serve at the pleasure of the Secre-
tary, the Secretary shall not remove the appointee without first ob-
taining approval of the Governor.
(a) The Secretary of Employment and Social Services shall be
responsible for the budget of his office and for the budgets of the
other administrations, divisions, boards, commissions, offices and
agencies within the jurisdiction of the Department of Employment
and Social Services.
(b) The Secretary of Employment and Social Services shall be
responsible for promulgating rules and regulations for his office.
He shall review and shall have the power to approve, disapprove or
revise the rules and regulations of all of the administrations, divi-
sions, boards, commissions, offices and other agencies within the
jurisdiction of the Department of Employment and Social Services.
(c) The Secretary of Employment and Social Services may in his
discretion exercise or perform any power, duty, responsibility or
function which any of the administrations, divisions, boards, com-
missions, offices or other agencies within the jurisdiction of the
Department of Employment and Social Services are authorized to
exercise or perform, except for those powers, duties, responsibilities
and functions set forth in Section 7, subsections (e), (f), (g), (h),
and (i) and Section 15, subsections (a) (4), (b) and (c) of Article
95 A of this Code.
(d) In addition to such advisory boards as are or may be estab-
lished by law, the Secretary of Employment and Social Services may,
with the approval of the Governor, create such advisory boards of
such size as he deems appropriate or utilize as an advisory board any
existing commission established by executive order.
(e) The Secretary shall be responsible for planning activities of
the Department of Employment and Social Services, and he shall
be authorized to review and approve, disapprove or revise the plans,
proposals and projects of the agencies within the Department of
Employment and Social Services.
(f) The Secretary of Employment and Social Services shall have
a seal for purposes of authentication of copies of records or papers
in his office.
(a) The Board of Review of the Department of Employment and
Social Services is hereby created. It shall consist of seven members
appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the
Senate. Of the seven members so appointed, not less than four shall
be selected from and represent the general public. The remaining
members shall be persons of knowledge and experience in one or
more of the fields under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Employment and Social Services. Of the members initially appointed,
three shall be for terms of three years, two for terms of two years,
and two for terms of one year. Thereafter, all appointments shall be
for terms of three years. The Governor shall designate a Chairman
from among the members representing the general public. The
Governor shall fill any vacancy which occurs before the expiration