Marvin Mandel, Governor 865
wholesale or jobbing any articles, supplies or merchandise, com-
monly used in hairdressing or beauty shops, and shall not be directly
or indirectly connected with any school of beauty culture, and no
two members shall serve at the same time who are graduates of
the same school of beauty culture. The members of the first Board
shall serve one, two and three years, respectively, from July 1, 1935 ;
succeeding members shall serve for terms of three years respectively
and have the qualifications, hereinabove expressed.
(d) A statement of the finances of the Board shall be rendered
semiannually to the [Governor of the State] Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation and any surplus, in excess of the current operating
expenses at the close of the Board's fiscal year, shall be paid to the
Comptroller of the State.
The exercise or performance of all powers, authority, duties and
functions vested in the Board by the provisions of this subtitle, shall
be subject to the power and authority of the Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation as set forth in Article 41 of this Code, or elsewhere
in the laws of this State.
Sec. 18. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 3, 6, and 10 of Article 75½ of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1969 Replacement Volume),
title "Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors," be and they are
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, and new Section
8A be and it is hereby added to the same article, title, and subtitle
to follow immediately after Section 8 thereof, all to read as follows:
A State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and
Professional Land Surveyors, which shall be a part of the Depart-
ment of Licensing and Regulation, is hereby created whose duty it
shall be to administer the provisions of this article. The Board shall
consist of four professional engineers and a professional land sur-
veyor, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor with the
advice of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation from lists of
not more than three nominees recommended by each of the following:
The Maryland chapter or section of the American Society of Civil
Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the In-
stitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers, and the Maryland Society of Surveyors, and
who shall have the qualifications required by Section 4. The Board
shall consist of one civil engineer, one mechanical engineer, one elec-
trical engineer, one chemical engineer and one land surveyor.
The incumbent members of the Board of Registration for Profes-
sional Engineers and Land Surveyors, created by Chapter 604, Acts
of 1949, shall continue in office as members of the Board created
by this article until the expiration of their respective terms of ap-
pointment or until their successors are duly appointed and qualified.
Each member of the Board thereafter shall receive a certificate of
his appointment from the Governor and before beginning his term