Marvin Mandel, Governor 833
Sec. 18 17 16. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect July 1,1970.
Approved April 28, 1970
(Senate Bill 390)
AN ACT to repeal Section 221 of Article 41 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland, (1957 Edition, 1965 Replacement Volume), title
"Governor—Executive and Administrative Departments," subtitle
"Licensing Boards," and to enact new Sections 221, 221A, 221B,
221C, 221D, and 221E to Article 41 to follow immediately after
Section 220 thereof to be under the same title, but to be under
the new subtitle "The Department of Licensing and Regulation;"
and to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Sections 109, 110,
and 112 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition, 1968 Replacement Volume), title "Licenses," subtitle
"Boxing, Sparring, and Wrestling," and to add new Section 111A
to said Article 56, title "Licenses," subtitle "Boxing, Sparring,
and Wrestling," to follow immediately after Section 111 thereof;
and repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 27 of Article
11 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1968 Re-
placement Volume), title "Banks and Trust Companies," subtitle
"Banking Board;" and to repeal and reenact, with amendments,
Sections 1, 2, 11, 18, 33, 67, 90, and 219 (b) of Article 11 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1968 Replacement
Volume, 1969 Supplement), title "Banks and Trust Companies,"
subtitles "Bank Commissioner," "Banks," "General Regulations,"
and "Currency Exchange Law;" and repeal and reenact, with
amendments, Sections 161E (a), (b), (e), 161G (a), 161-I (a),
(b) of Article 23 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edi-
tion, 1966 Replacement Volume, 1969 Supplement), title "Corpora-
tions," subtitle "Part 3—Particular Classes of Corporations," sub-
heading "Building or Homestead Associations;" and to repeal and
reenact, with amendments, Sections 250, 251 (a), 252 (a), (c),
(d) of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edi-
tion, 1968 Replacement Volume), title "Licenses," subtitle "Home
Improvement Law;" and to repeal and reenact, with amendments,
Sections 14, 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 and 23 of Article 48A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1968 Replacement
Volume, 1969 Supplement), title "Insurance Code," subtitle "In-
surance Department and Insurance Commissioner," to be under
the same title, but to be under the new subtitle "Insurance Divi-
sion and Insurance Commissioner;" and to repeal Section 192 of
Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition,
1965 Replacement Volume, 1969 Supplement), title "Executive
and Administrative Departments," subtitle "Finance Depart-
ment," and to add new Sections 192, 192A, 192B to stand in the
place instead of the section so repealed and to follow immedi-
ately after Section 191 thereof; and to repeal and reenact, with
amendments, Sections 1, 2, 4, 18A (c) of Article 78B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1969 Replacement
Volume), title "Racing Commission," subtitle "In General;" and