612 Laws of Maryland Ch. 252
The Fish and Wildlife Commission shall be part of the Fish and
Wildlife Administration. The Fish and Wildlife Commission shall
have the powers, duties, responsibilities and functions provided in
the laws of this State for the Game and Inland Fish Commission
except for those powers and duties transferred to the Director of the
Fish and Wildlife Administration pursuant to Section 113 (f) of
this subtitle. All references in this Code, in any other laws of this
State, or in ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, legal actions,
directives, or documents to the Game and Inland Fish Commission
shall be deemed to mean the Fish and Wildlife Commission. From
and after July 1, 1970, all rights, powers, duties, obligations and
functions heretofore conferred upon or exercised by the Game and
Inland Fish Commission shall be transferred to and be exercised
by the Fish and Wildlife Commission, subject to the authority of
the Secretary of Natural Resources as set forth in Sections 233, 234
and 235 of Article 41 or elsewhere in this Code, and subject to the
provisions of Section 113 (f) of this subtitle.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 83 (a), Section
83 (b), Section 83 (d), Section 83 (e) and Section 85 (d) of Article
96A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1964 Replace-
ment Volume and 1969 Supplement), title "Water Resources," sub-
title "Well Drillers," be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, all to read as follows:
(a) Created.—There is hereby created the Maryland State Board
of Well Drillers. The Maryland State Board of Well Drillers shall
be part of the State Department of Natural Resources.
(b) Composition; appointment and terms of members; chairman;
vacancies.—The Board shall be comprised of seven (7) members
appointed by the Secretary of Natural Resources, with the approval
of the Governor, for terms of two (2) years [with the advice and
consent of the Senate]. Of the seven appointments, one shall repre-
sent the Eastern Shore which shall comprise the counties of Caroline,
Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico
and Worcester; one shall represent central Maryland which shall
comprise the counties of Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard and
Montgomery and Baltimore City; one shall represent southern Mary-
land which shall comprise the counties of Anne Arundel, Calvert,
Charles, Prince George's, and St. Mary's; and one shall represent
western Maryland which shall comprise the counties of Allegany,
Frederick, Garrett and Washington. The regional appointments shall
be licensed well drillers and be actively engaged at the time of their
appointment in the well-drilling business in the State. The remaining
three (3) members of the Board shall be appointed by the [Governor]
Secretary of Natural Resources WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE
GOVERNOR as follows: one (1) from the public at large, who shall
serve as chairman of the Board; one (1) from the Department of
Water Resources; and one (1) from environmental health services,
Department of Health. In the event of a vacancy the Secretary of
Natural Resources, with the approval of the Governor, shall appoint
a successor to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. All
persons who are members of the Maryland State Board of Well
Drillers as of June 30, 1970, shall continue to serve as members there-
after until the expiration of the terms to which they were appointed.
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