570 Laws of Maryland Ch. 245
of the approving and recording of the subdivision plat. Violation
by the developer of his certification shall render all permits issued
pursuant to such certification void, in addition to all other penalties
herein provided.]
[(a) No State, county, or municipal road, building or structure
shall be constructed, relocated, or enlarged within the watershed
until the plans therefor have been submitted to and approved by the
soil conservation district. In Prince George's and Montgomery
counties, the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission shall,
after consultation with and advice from the soil conservation dis-
tricts of the two counties, prepare and adopt regulations for erosion
and siltation control requirements for utility construction, with the
regulations to be adopted and enforced as are other regulations of
the Commission pursuant to the authority conferred upon it by
other laws. The provisions of this section shall not apply to projects
which are under construction contract on July 1, 1969.]
[(b)] (a) Any violation of this subheading shall be deemed a
misdemeanor, and the person, partnership or corporation who is
found guilty of such violation shall be subject to a fine not exceeding
five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or one year's imprisonment for
each and every violation. Any agency whose approval is required
under this subheading or any person in interest may seek an injunc-
tion against any person, partnership, or corporation, whether public
or private, violating or threatening violation of any provisions of
this subheading.
[(c)] (b) In the event any portion of this subheading shall be
declared illegal, the remaining portions shall continue in force until
otherwise changed.
Sec. 4 SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That section 411AC of Ar-
ticle 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1967 Re-
placement Volume and 1969 Cumulative Supplement), title "Natural
Resources," subtitle "Patuxent River Watershed," be and it is here-
by repealed in its entirety.
Sec. 5 SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That new Sections 105
through 110 inclusive, be and they are hereby added to Article 96A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1961 Replacement
Volume and 1969 Cumulative Supplement), title "Water Resources,"
to follow immediately after Section 104 thereof and to be under the
new subtitle "Sediment Control" and to read as follows :
Sediment Control
The General Assembly of the State of Maryland hereby deter-
mines and finds that the lands and waters comprising the water-
sheds of the State are great natural assets and resources; that as a
result of erosion and sediment deposition on lands and in waters
within the watersheds of the State, said waters are being polluted
and despoiled to such a degree thai fish, marine life, and recrea-
tional use of the waters are being adversely affected. IN ORDER