Marvin Mandel, Governor 517
(c) If requested by the applicant or any agency, the Department
of Health shall hold a hearing thereon, after not less than ten (10)
days' notice to the applicant and agencies to which referral was
made. The Department shall approve the plan, with such amend-
ments and modifications as it may determine, in accordance with the
standards of this Act, within ninety (90) days of submission of the
plan by the operator.
In the event that the owners or operators or said sewage disposal
plant fail to submit a plan or to construct the necessary improvements
in accordance with an approved plan, the County Council of Anne
Arundel County or the City of Annapolis as appropriate shall, upon
thirty (30) days' written notice from the Department of Health
that compliance has not been made with the requirements of this
subsection, proceed with and complete the necessary plan and work
so that the said sewage disposal plant will conform to the standards
herein stated.
Corporations, partnerships, cities and/or any political agency
which own or control the said sewage disposal plant, and operators
shall be liable to the County or City for funds so expended for sewage
improvements, plus all costs including attorneys' fees, and the same
shall also be a lien against the said property and collectable as taxes.
The Anne Arundel County Health Department shall take not
less than one monthly stream sample at the critical point of all
sewage disposal plant overflows POINTS OF DISCHARGE within
the Severn River Watershed and deliver copies of all analyses of such
samples to the plant operator and the State Department of Health.
(a) Any person, partnership, city or political agency, or corpora-
tion who shall discharge raw sewage or other waste of any kind into
the river, or any of its tributaries, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Section
411AM(b). Oyster and clam shells, and materials used in the culture
of marine life shall not be deemed waste for the purposes of this Act.
(b) Sedimentation.—When any stripping, grading, excavating
or filling is to be done, the proposed earth changes shall first be
approved by the Soil Conservation District before a grading permit
is issued. Stripping, grading and construction shall be done in
accordance with the recommendations of the Soil Conservation Dis-
trict so that erosion and siltation will be controlled. The Department
of Natural Resources shall cooperate with and assist the Soil Conser-
vation District in the performance of their responsibilities. The
appropriate department within the County or City shall promptly
file a copy of the inspection reports with the Soil Conservation
District. Upon completion and compliance with the conditions set
forth in the grading permit, the Soil Conservation District shall be
notified thereof.