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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 459   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         459

day for any wholesale or retail establishment to conduct business for
labor or profit in the usual manner and location or to operate its
establishments in any manner for the general public. It shall not
cause, direct, permit, or [otherwise] authorize any employee or
agent to engage in or conduct business on its behalf on Sunday.

(b)    Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the opera-
tion of any of the following types of retail establishments is allowed
on Sunday:

1.    Drugstores whose principal business is the sale of drugs and
related items.

2.    Delicatessens whose principal business is the sale of delicates-
sens and related food items.

3.    Bakeries and bakeshops.

4.    Gasoline stations whose principal business is the sale of gaso-
line, oil, and other automobile maintenance items.

5.    Restaurants, grills and snack bars.

(c)    Nothing in this section applies to:

1.    Farmers.

2.    Nurserymen.

3.    Small business convenience stores with not more than two (2)
persons on any one shift.

(d)    Nothing in this section is applicable to any person who by
reasons of his religions conviction observes a day other than Sunday
as his day of rest and actually refrains from labor or secular business
on that day, and whose establishment is closed for business on that
day. The term "a day other than Sunday" as used herein shall mean
any consecutive twenty-four hour period.

(e)    Notwithstanding any provision of this section, any estab-
lishment which offers service as its primary business is allowed to
operate on Sunday.

(f)    Industries where continuous processing or manufacturing is
required by the very nature of the process involved are allowed
to operate on Sunday.

(g)    All recreational activities, sports, and amusements are per-
mitted on Sunday, provided however, that commercial recreational
activities, sports and amusements shall be permitted only between
the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and midnight,
swim clubs excepted.

(h) Except as in this section specifically provided, nothing
in this section shall be deemed or construed to amend other provisions
of law with reference to the prohibition of work, business, alcoholic
beverage sales, of the service of process on Sunday, nor shall
anything herein be construed to permit any new or used car dealer
to sell, dispose, barter, deal in, deliver, give away, show or offer
for sale any motor vehicle or any certificate of title for any motor
vehicle on Sunday. As to Harford County, Sees. 511, 512, 513 and
514 of this article (as amended from time to time) are specifically
not affected by this section.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 459   View pdf image
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