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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 437   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         437

District," being also a new subsection 72-18A, Montgomery County-
Code (1965 Edition), and a new subsection 83A-18A, Code of
Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (1963 Edition and
1967 Supplement), title "Six-year Programs," to establish pro-
cedures for the submission by the Washington Suburban Transit
Commission to respective county governing bodies for their re-
view and approval of six-year capital improvement programs.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That there is hereby added a new subsection 18A to Chapter 870,
Laws of Maryland, 1965, as amended, title "Washington Suburban
Transit District," and to read as follows:

18A. Six-year Programs.

Prior to October 1st of each calendar year, the commission shall
prepare and submit to each county governing body a six-year capital
improvements program. The capital improvements program shall in-
clude a statement of the objectives of the capital programs and re-
lationship of these programs to the county's adopted long range
development plans; shall recommend capital projects and a construc-
tion schedule; and shall provide an estimate of cost and a statement
of all funding sources. The capital improvements program shall
include all programmed land and major equipment acquisition, con-
struction, and development.

Each county governing body shall, on or before adoption of its
annual budget and appropriations resolution, adopt the six-year
capital improvements program. Such adoption shall occur only after
public hearings thereon which may be conducted in conjunction with
public hearings on their own and other agencies' six-year programs
or capital budgets. In its adoption, the county governing body may
make such amendments, revisions or modifications as it may deter-
mine. Any such amendment, revision or modification shall not be-
come final until submission to the commission for written comment
on at least thirty days' notice.

The capital budget of the commission for the succeeding fiscal
year shall include such projects so as to be in full conformity with
that part of the capital program adopted for the first of the six-year
program. No such capital project shall be undertaken, in whole or
in part, which is not in conformity with that part of the program
applicable to that year unless the same shall be amended by the
county governing body on its own initiative or at the request of the
commission and after public hearing upon reasonable notice to the

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, no action taken
by any county governing body, and no failure of any county govern-
ing body to take any action, with respect to any capital improvements
program or capital budget of the commission shall affect or impair
any obligation for a commitment of the commission or any county
arising out of any present or future contract or agreement between
the commission, either of such counties and the Washington Metro-
politan Area Transit Authority for financing the construction or
operation of any transit facilities.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
That this Act shall take effect on July 1, 1970.

Approved April 15, 1970


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 437   View pdf image
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