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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 435   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         435

the Peace," subtitle "Trial Magistrates' System," is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:


(d) The judges of the People's Court of Montgomery County,
except the People's Court judges for juvenile causes, may make a
circuit, sitting in Rockville, Bethesda and Silver Spring, as often and
for such periods of time as the Chief Judge may determine. In
the event the Court does not make a circuit, neither the provisions
of [subparagraphs (f) and (h)] subparagraph (g) hereof, nor any
other provision of law, shall be held to require the maintenance of
branch offices or to require the court to make a circuit between any
particular locations.

[(f) The judges of the People's Court of Montgomery County,
except the judges for juvenile causes shall arrange their dockets
in such manner that a separate day or days, or part of a day of each
week, in each court of the circuit, shall be devoted exclusively to the
hearing of civil cases, criminal cases (except juvenile causes) and
traffic cases arising under Article 66½ of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, respectively, as the volume and kind of cases may from
time to time require.]

(f) [(g)] The Sheriff of Montgomery County, chief deputy,
and all other deputies are hereby authorized, directed and required
to serve all civil process issued by said judges, but this paragraph
shall not apply to process issued by the judge of the People's Court
for juvenile causes.

(g) [(h)] The judges of the People's Court shall appoint a chief
clerk for the People's Court of Montgomery County, and a deputy
chief clerk thereof who, when duly qualified as such, and in the
absence of the chief clerk, shall have the power and authority to act
in the place and stead of the chief clerk [and a clerk for each branch
of said court, namely, one clerk each for Rockville, Bethesda, and
Silver Spring]. The appointment of said chief clerk and deputy chief
clerk shall be made by said judges and after the expiration of the
terms of the present incumbents, the said Chief Clerk and Deputy
Chief Clerk shall serve at the pleasure of the Court
[at such time as
agreed upon by said judges and the County Council for Montgomery
County and shall be made every four years thereafter and the
appointment of said clerks for the branches of said court shall be
made at the expiration of the terms of office of the present clerks of
said court and every four years thereafter]. Said chief clerk shall
be responsible for the keeping of all dockets of and records of said
Court wherever located. [Supervise and manage the central office
of said Court, which shall be located in Rockville and shall supervise
the administration of the branch offices of said court located in Rock-
ville, Bethesda and Silver Spring. Each of said clerks of the several
branches of said court shall manage their respective offices under
the supervision of said chief clerk.] Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the dockets and records of arrest and convictions
in traffic violations, and all other traffic records, shall be kept by
or under the direction of the chief clerk [and several branch clerks]
in such form and under such plan as may jointly be agreed upon
by the chief judge of the People's Court of Montgomery County
and the Department of Motor Vehicles. [Each of said branch clerks


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 435   View pdf image
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