Howard County 2835
number of taxicabs to be used, and the rate to be charged, and, if, in the
judgment of the Bureau, it is deemed best for the public welfare and
convenience that said permit should be granted, said Bureau is hereby
empowered and authorized to grant such permit, subject to such conditions
and terms, and for such duration of time, not exceeding the period of one
year, as they may deem advisable. If the said Bureau deems the granting
of such permit prejudicial to the welfare and convenience of the public,
then the said Bureau is hereby empowered and authorized to refuse the
granting of same. However, any person feeling aggrieved by any decision
of the Bureau may appeal said decision to the Board of Appeals in
accordance with its rules.
(c) The said Bureau of Inspections, Licenses and Permits of Howard
County is further empowered and authorized to make such rules and regu-
lations, including the fixing of the rates to be charged, with the approval
of the Public, Service Commission, as it may deem necessary to govern
the control and operation of taxicabs and to enforce the same by such
penalties or forfeitures as they may reasonably prescribe, including the
suspension or revocation for reasonable cause or causes, including violation
of any rule or regulation that may be adopted by the Bureau of Inspections,
Licenses, and Permits, after investigation and hearing, of the permit
granted under the provisions of this subtitle.
(d) Every person owning or operating any such taxicab in violation
of any of the provisions of this subtitle, or, in violation of the rules and
regulations aforesaid of the Bureau of Inspections, Licenses and Permits,
shall, cumulatively, but not in substitution for any other process or method
of remedial procedure or legal redress prescribed, by this subtitle or
otherwise, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, be
subject to a fine of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00), nor more than
Fifty Dollars ($50.00), for the first offense, and a fine of not less than
Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for
each additional or subsequent offense.
(e) No permit shall be assigned or transferred until the Bureau of
Inspections, Licenses and Permits upon written application setting forth
the purpose, terms and conditions of such assignment or transfer, shall,
after investigation, approve the same. The Bureau may amend, or, for
sufficient cause shown, suspend or revoke any such permit. Each permit
shall be evidence of authority to operate only the particular taxicab therein
designated, and shall continue in force and effect, unless suspended or
revoked, for the year for which it was issued. Upon application, at the
termination of each year, the Bureau may renew any permit or issue a
new permit for the ensuing year.
14.502—Insurance Requirements
The owner of every taxicab for which a permit is required under the
provisions of this subtitle, shall, before operating or continuing to operate
the same on public streets or highways in Howard County, take out a
liability insurance policy or policies in some responsible insurance com-
pany, authorized to transact business in this State, insuring such owner
against liability for personal injury or injuries to a passenger or passengers
in such taxicab, and to a member or members of the general public,
resulting from an accident or accidents, casualty or casualties, in which
such taxicab may become involved, through the recklessness or negligence
of its owner or operator as well as against any damage to property,
resulting from such an accident or accidents, casualty or casualties; said