Howard County 2725
This Act provides that the Board of Public Works of Howard County
shall have the authority to approve the acceptance and acquisition of
roads, rights of way, and associated public improvements located within
an approved subdivision for Howard County, Maryland.
The developer or subdivider of land in an approved subdivision may
petition the Board of Public Works to accept title to roads, rights of way,
and associated public improvements for which an option to acquire for
public purposes has already been granted to Howard County, Maryland,
in consideration for approval of a subdivision plan. All petitions shall be
addressed to the Director of Public Works who, upon receipt of same,
shall set a hearing time and date before the Board of Public Works. The
Board of Public Works shall hold a hearing after the petitioner has given
at least thirty (30) days' notice of the subject, time and place of the hearing
by publication, three (3) separate insertions at weekly intervals, in one
or more of the newspapers published in the County. Counter-petitions may
be presented to the Board of Public Works, and the Board shall take into
consideration the reasons contained therein together with such other
testimony as may come before the Board at the hearing.
18.302—Findings of the Board
The subject property, right of way, road, or other associated public
improvement may be acquired for Howard County if the Board of Public
Works shall affirmatively find after hearing:
(a) That the subject right of way, road, or other associated public
improvement lies wholly within an approved subdivision.
(b) That the subject road, right of way, or associated public im-
provement is adequately described by meets and bounds and by recorded
subdivision plat.
(c) That the subject road, right of way, or other public improvement
is laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved subdivision
plan, subdivision regulations or Howard County roads specifications, as
they may be from time to time.
(d) That the acceptance of the said property by Howard County
at this time will be in the public interest.
18.303—Transfer of Title
The person petitioning the Board of Public Works shall cause to be
prepared, at his expense, a deed granting and conveying good and sufficient
fee simple title to the right of way or other public improvement to Howard
County, Maryland, a municipal corporation, and it shall be the responsi-
bility of the said petitioner, if the subject road, right of way, or other
public improvement shall be accepted by the Board of Public Works, to
cause the said deed to be recorded at his expense.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the County Council of Howard
County, Maryland, That this Act shall take effect sixty (60) days after
its enactment.
This Bill, having been approved by the Executive and returned to
the Council, stands enacted on May 14, 1969.