Anne Arundel County 2529
Section 13-108 BLOCK SHAPE
Block length and width or acreage within bounding streets shall
be such as to accommodate the size of lot required in the area by the Zoning
Ordinance and to provide for convenient access, circulation control, and
safety or street traffic. Blocks that are unreasonably large or small will
not be approved.
Section 13-108.1 BLOCK DIMENSIONS
(a) The maximum block dimension shall be twelve hundred (1200)
feet. In the design of blocks longer than one thousand (1000) feet, special
consideration shall be given to the provisions of pedestrian interior walk-
ways near the center, or wherever most useful to facilitate pedestrians'
circulation to a school, park, recreation area, shopping center, bus stop,
or other significant neighborhood destination.
(b) Residential blocks shall be of sufficient depth to accommodate
two (2) tiers of lots of minimum depth, except where reverse frontage
lots bordering a freeway, arterial street or floodplain are used.
Section 13-108.2 LOT SIZES
(a) The size, width, depth, shape, orientation and yards of lots
shall not be less than specified in the Zoning Ordinance for the District
within which the lots are located and shall be appropriate for the type
of development, the use contemplated and future utilities. All lots shall
meet the Maryland State Department of Health minimum requirements.
Where there are differences between said requirement and these regula-
tions, the higher standard shall apply.
(b) All lots shall have frontage of at least eighteen (18) feet on
an approved STREET or dedicated right-of-way. Two (2) or more lots
must be served by at least a forty (40) foot right-of-way.
(c) The ratio of the depth of any single family lot to its width
at the building restriction line, should not be greater than two and one-
half THREE (3) to one. Any lot transferred shall have a minimum width
and area substantially the same as those shown on the subdivision plat
and only one (1) principal building shall be permitted on any such lot
except in the case of apartments under one ownership.
(d) Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to street lines,
unless a variation from this rule will give a better street or lot plan.
(e) Lots which abut two (2) streets, other than corner lots, will
be permitted only when necessary to avoid fronting lots on arterial streets
and highways or where their use will produce advantages in meeting special
situations in relation to topography, good site planning and proper land
(f) Where a water course separates the buildable area of a lot
from the street by which it has access, the subdivider shall design and
construct a culvert or other structure to provide access.
(g) Every lot shall be provided with a minimum of two (2) off-
street parking spaces for every dwelling unit, except in apartment develop-
ments. The size and character of single family and duplex lots shall be
such as not to preclude the practicability of ultimate provision of either
a garage or carport on each lot.