Anne Arundel County 2527
(q) Where topography or other conditions are such as to make
impractical the inclusion of utilities or drainage facilities within street
rights-of-way, perpetual unobstructed easements at least twenty (20) FIF-
TEEN (15) feet wide for such utilities shall be provided across property
outside the street.
(r) In subdivisions that adjoin or include existing streets that do
not conform to widths as shown on the General Development Plan or the
street width requirements established in the Design Manual, the subdivider
shall dedicate additional width along either one or both sides of the such
streets of inadequate width so as to bring them up to standards, provided
the area to be used for widening is owned by the subdivider or under
his control.
Section 13-107.3 GRADES
(a) Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the
original topography and shall be designed to produce useable lots.
(b) Grades of streets shall be arranged to obtain as many building
sites as possible at or above the elevation of the abutting street.
(c) Grades of streets shall conform ADHERE to the design stand-
ards in the Design Manual and shall not in general exceed those standards
The EXCEPT THAT THE Planning and Zoning Officer shall have the
right to permit steeper grades where such are warranted by unusual
topographic conditions.
Section 13-107.4 ALIGNMENT
Horizontal alignment for streets shall conform to the Design Manual.
Section 13-107.5 INTERSECTIONS
(a) Streets shall be laid out to intersect as close to right angles as
possible. Any change in street alignment to meet this requirement shall
occur at least one hundred (100) feet from the intersection EXCEPT IN
(b) Multiple intersections involving junctions of more than two (2)
streets shall be avoided.
(c) Clear sight triangles of twenty-five (25) feet measured along
street right-of-way lines from their points of junction shall be provided
at all intersections, and no building, structure, grade or planting higher
than two (2) feet above the center line of the street shall be permitted
within such sight triangles. When grading the public right of way CLEAR
SIGHT TRIANGLES, the developer shall cut such ground or trees in
accordance with the above and all Department of Public Works standards
to provide adequate sight distance.
(d) Intersections with arterials and major highways shall be lo-
cated not less than seven hundred fifty (750) feet apart; measured from
centerline to centerline; based on the design speed of the arterials and
major highways.
(e) Roadways entering opposite sides of another roadway shall be
laid out either directly opposite one another or with a minimum offset
of one hundred fifty (150) feet between their centerlines.
(f) Minimum curb radii AND PAVING RADII at street inter-
sections shall conform ADHERE to the Design Manual.