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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2381   View pdf image
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Rockville                                       2381

cause to be affixed to the Minutes of this meeting a certificate of such
posting and of such publication, and the Mayor, if there be no Petition
for Referendum, shall declare the Charter Amendment hereby made to be
effective on the date herein provided for, which is May 29, 1969, by
affixing his signature hereto in the space provided below the effective
date hereof.

Section 4. That if a proper Petition for Referendum on the Charter
Amendment herein proposed is filed, the Mayor and other proper officials
of the City of Rockville shall comply with all the applicable provisions of
Section 13 to 17, inclusive, of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1966 Replacement Volume).

Section 5. That as soon as the Charter Amendment hereby made shall
become effective whether as herein provided or following a referendum,
the Mayor shall send separately, by registered mail, to the Secretary of
State of Maryland, and to the Department of Legislative Reference of
Maryland, a complete certified copy of the text of this Resolution, the date
the referendum, if any, is held, a certificate showing the number of council-
men voting for and against it, and a report on the votes cast for or against
the amendment hereby enacted at any referendum thereon and the effec-
tive date of the Charter Amendment.

The Charter Amendment enacted by the aforegoing Resolution be-
comes effective of........................, 1968.


Jean R. Horneck, City Clerk                                                      Mayor


I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolu-
tion adopted by the Mayor and Council at its meeting of April 7,1969.

Jean Horneck
City Clerk

Resolution No. 19-69
Charter Amendment No. 20, April 14, 1969

Resolution to amend Section 48-29—Borrowing Money—Charter of
the City of Rockville—Elimination of Interest Limitation on Municipal

A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of Rockville, Maryland,
to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 48-29 of the Charter
of the City of Rockville.

Whereas, pursuant to Sections 11 to 18, inclusive, of Article 23A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, as amended), the Mayor
and Council of Rockville has authority to amend its said Charter in the
particulars hereinafter set forth; and

Whereas, this Resolution is adopted to conform with the procedure
for the amendment of charters of municipal corporations prescribed in
said Section 11 to 18, inclusive, of Article 23A;



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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2381   View pdf image
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