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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2377   View pdf image
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ROCKVILLE                                               2377

mailed, which shall show the date on which the ballot was sent. No
such voter shall vote or be allowed to vote in person at any polling

(4) One ballot to an applicant. Not more than one absentee ballot
shall be mailed to any one applicant unless the board has reasonable
grounds to believe that the absentee ballot previously mailed has been
lost, destroyed, or spoiled.

(g) Ballots for absentee voters.

(1)  Printing of ballots, envelopes and instructions. In sufficient time
prior to any election, the board shall have printed an adequate number
of absentee ballots, the three kinds of envelopes described in this sub-
section and the instructions to absentee voters as set out in subsection
(h) of this Section.

(2)  Form of ballots. The ballots shall contain the words "Absentee
Ballot" printed in large letters in a clear space at the top of each ballot.
Underneath these words shall be printed the following warning: "Mark
ballot by placing 'X' in proper blank after each candidate or question.
Do not erase or make identifying mark". The designation of the election
district shall be left blank on the back and outside of said ballots and
shall be filled in by the board before being sent to any registered absentee

(3)  Envelopes, (i) One envelope shall be known as the "return
envelope" and shall be sufficiently larger than any of the other hereinafter
described envelopes so that it will enclose and contain the other envelopes.
Across the left hand face of the "return envelope" shall be printed or
written these words "Return Envelope for the election of............................"


The blank space in these words shall be filled in with the date of the
election, following which shall be added the words "Supervisors of Elec-
tions of the City of Rockville" together with the address of its office,
and below this last phrase shall be printed in bold type the words "Official
Absentee Ballot, City of Rockville".

(ii) The "ballot envelope" shall be of sufficient size to contain the
absentee ballot. The following oath shall be printed on the face of the en-

"Oath of Absentee Resident

I, ........................................, do hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a

voter legally qualified to vote in the municipal election to be held on

........................, that I am legally registered in ............ district of the City

of Rockville, as stated in my application for said ballot; that I will be

unable to vote in person on the day of such election because....................;

that I have not qualified nor do I intend to vote elsewhere than as
set forth herein; that the within ballot was by me marked secretly, folded
and enclosed and sealed in this Ballot Envelope; that I am not now dis-
qualified from voting under the laws of Maryland.

(Absentee voter must sign his name)

Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me of

................., 19.........

(Notary Public or other person authorized to administer oaths)"


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2377   View pdf image
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