Annapolis 2223
Resolution of August 11, 1969
Resolution of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis,
adopted pursuant to the authority of Article 11-E of the Constitution
of the State of Maryland (1966 Edition), title "Corporation—Munic-
ipal," to repeal Section 25 and Section 26 of the Charter of the City
of Annapolis (1960 Edition) and enact new sections thereof to be
designated as Section 25 and Section 26 of the Charter of the City of
Annapolis. (Subject Matter—POLICE DEPARTMENT—relating to
appointment of policemen and the control of the police department
by the Police Commissioner and matters relating generally.)
SECTION I. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the
City of Annapolis that Section 25 and Section 26 of the Charter of the
City of Annapolis be, and the same are hereby repealed in their entirety
and in lieu thereof Section 25 and Section 26 shall be enacted to read as
Sec. 25. Appointment of members of police department.
All applications for appointment as a member of the police force in
the City of Annapolis shall be filed with the said Police Commissioner, and
it shall be the duty of the Police Commissioner to make out a list of all
applicants for the positions in said department, grading them according
to the examination in which he shall test, the moral, mental, physical and
educational qualifications and from the eligible list, the said Police Com-
missioner shall choose such person or persons having the highest rating
for the said vacancy or appointment, and in this manner and no other
shall appointments be made for the position of police officer in said city.
Sec. 26. Control over police department; promotions, reductions in rank
and dismissals; political affiliations or religious beliefs.
The Police Commissioner shall have and exercise full control and
dominion over the police of said city, having the power to make such
rules and regulations governing them as he, from time to time may pre-
scribe, and to remove, reprimand, or suspend any person guilty of any
infraction or other violation of such rules or regulations, and he shall
have the power to promote, reduce in rank, or dismiss any police officer,
provided that in case of dismissal or any case which in his judgment
warrants dismissal, the charges and specifications in writing shall be
drawn and served on the police officer at least five days before trial, and
reserving to the said police officer the right to be represented by counsel
or attorney at the said trial or hearing, and if in the judgment of the said
commissioner, the case warrants a dismissal, he shall dismiss said officer.
The said commissioner shall not appoint, promote, reduce in rank, or
remove any police officer from the said service for any political affiliations
or because of any religious belief or for any other cause other than the
fitness or unfitness of such person for the position which he occupies, both
morally and physically.
and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis that the date of adoption of this
Resolution, is 11th day of August, 1969, and the Amendment of the Charter
of the City of Annapolis hereby enacted shall become effective on October
1, 1969, unless a proper petition for a referendum hereon shall be filed as
permitted by law, provided a complete and exact copy of this Resolution
shall be continuously posted on the bulletin board in the City Hall, until
September 21, 1969, and provided further that a copy of the title of this