Marvin Mandel, Governor 2133
large amounts of the Chesapeake's oyster population; because of the
increased salinity of the upper Bay, "MSX" (michinia nelsoni) and
oyster drill, which require a saltier environment than now exists,
would undoubtedly move further up the Bay and destroy the state's
important oyster industry; and
Whereas, Due to the potential threat caused by the deepening of
the Canal, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Mary-
land Port Authority should take preventive measures to reduce the
flow of water from the Chesapeake to the Delaware Bay. A system
involving locks, or other safety measure is needed to prevent a pos-
sible disaster; and
Whereas, No plan now exists for the adequate and proper disposal
of the massive amounts of spoil material from such dredging; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Congress-
man Rogers C. B. Morton and Gilbert Gude THE MARYLAND CON-
GRESSIONAL DELEGATION are congratulated for their continu-
ing efforts to protect the Bay from the hazards involved in this
construction; and, be it further
Resolved, That the United States Army Corps of Engineers and
the Maryland Congressional Delegation are requested to prevent any
further deepening of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal without a
lock or other device to prevent OR MINIMIZE flowage from the
Chesapeake Bay into the Delaware Bay and a comprehensive plan
for disposal of soil material; and, be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the United
States Army Corps of Engineers and the Maryland Congressional