Marvin Mandel, Governor 2101
and devise methods of improving the financing of fire protection
in that county.
Whereas, The people of Allegany County require that the fire-
men and fire companies in that county shall be well equipped; and
Whereas, The financing of fire protection in the county is in
need of study, revision and improvement; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Board
of County Commissioners of Allegany County be and it is hereby
requested to appoint a Commission consisting of a representative of
the Allegany-Garrett County Volunteer Fireman's Association re-
siding in Allegany County; a representative of the special fire tax
areas in the county; a representative of the Fire Department of
the City of Cumberland; an employee of Allegany County; and a
representative of the public, to study and devise methods of im-
proving the financing of fire protection in the county; and be it
Resolved, That this commission, shall be appointed at the first
meeting of the Commissioners in July, 1970, and thereafter is re-
quested to meet and organize promptly to study the problems out-
lined in this resolution and prior to January 1, 1971, to report their
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners of Allegany
County and the members of the Allegany County Delegation in
the General Assembly of Maryland.
Approved April 22, 1970.
No. 38
(Senate Joint Resolution 57)
Senate Joint Resolution honoring Cornelius W. Wallace's outstand-
ing service to the State of Maryland as a forerunner in conserva-
tion of wild water fowl, for his work in making the Blackwater
National Wildlife Refuge one of the outstanding refuges on the
East Coast, and for many other services and accomplishments in
development and conservation of natural resources in the State of
Whereas, Cornelius W. Wallace retired on December 31, 1968, as
manager of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge and was appointed
by Governor Mandel as a Member of the Game and Inland Fish
Commission on August 28, 1969; and
Whereas, Cornelius W. Wallace is an outstanding citizen of the
State of Maryland from Hoopers Island where he was born, attended
school, worked as a waterman until 1932 when he became a U. S.
Deputy Game Warden; and
Whereas, He served as U. S. Deputy Game Warden, then U. S.
Deputy Agent on the Susquehanna Flats until he became Refuge
Manager of the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in 1942, and
as additional lands were placed under his management, he eventually
served a total of four refuges and carried more responsibility than
any other refuge manager in the United States; and