Marvin Mandel, Governor 2087
as well as establishing the Maryland Higher Education Loan Cor-
poration to administer the State Loan Program for higher educa-
tion, it does not appear that sufficient information is being made
available to students who need financial assistance to continue their
education in institutions of higher learning.
In addition to the programs named above which are sponsored by
the State, many, if not all, of the various institutions of higher
education in Maryland, both public and private, have established
programs of student aid, through loans, grants, scholarships and
work programs to assist students who need financial help, and it
appears that this type of information is not always being made
available to prospective students so as to effectively assist them in
furthering their education.
It is a well-established principle that the future of the State, as
well as the Nation, is dependent in a great part on the furtherance
of education of its citizens, and this premise is worthy of every
effort to assist in such furtherance.
The Student Financial Assistance Committee has considered the
problem of dissemination of information on student aid in its delib-
erations over the past two years, and one outstanding conclusion
has been reached. It has become apparent that there is a break-
down of communication at the high school counseling level, due in
part to insufficient accumulation and correlation of information.
The necessary information on student aid through the State pro-
grams, as well as the existing programs in the various colleges
should be compiled at some central point, from which it can be made
available to the high school counselors so that they, in turn, can
advise those high school students desirous of obtaining a college
education, but unable financially to attain that goal, of the various
programs of assistance which are available, whether scholarship,
loan, grant or work program. It would appear that since this is a
Statewide program, the most logical agency to compile this informa-
tion would be the Maryland Council on Higher Education, and the
most logical agency to disseminate the compiled information would
be the State Department of Education, particularly as the State
Department of Education has overall supervision of secondary
school education in Maryland; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Mary-
land Council on Higher Education be directed to develop and com-
pile information on aid programs at all accredited institutions of
higher learning in Maryland and the State Department of Educa-
tion be directed to undertake an intensive program of disseminating
this compiled information as well as current information on State
Scholarship Programs and the Higher Education Loan Program to
high school counselors throughout the State, so that high school
students may be encouraged to continue their education beyond the
secondary school level; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State
Superintendent of Education, and the Maryland Council on Higher
Approved April 22, 1970.
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