2018 Laws of Maryland Ch. 720
(4) The board of license commissioners may issue to the holders
of a peer, wine and liquor license, Class B, meeting the qualifications
specified in subsection (1) of this section a special Sunday "on-sale"
permit to allow the holder thereof to keep for sale and to sell at
retail beer, wine and liquor on Sunday for consumption on the li-
censed premises between the hours of twelve o'clock noon and two
o'clock A.M. the day following; providing the average daily receipts
from the sale of food exceeds the average daily receipts from the sale
of alcoholic beverages in the establishments where it is proposed to
locate such a permit, and such ratio of food sales to the sale of
alcoholic beverages has been maintained for at least six months prior
to the application for such a permit. Applicants for a special Sunday
"on-sale" permit shall furnish the board of license commissioners
with such proof as it may deem necessary indicating the qualifica-
tions of the establishment to be issued such a permit.
Alcoholic beverages sold on Sunday under the provisions of this
section shall be sold, served and consumed only in connection with
meals in the dining area, or areas, or banquet facilities, if any, and
shall not be served in the cocktail facilities, if any, or at the bar.
The holder of a special Sunday "on-sale" permit shall be subject to
all other provisions of this article pertaining to beer, wine and liquor
licenses, Class B, in force and effect in Prince George's County, ex-
cept that any restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sun-
day appearing in Section 103 and elsewhere shall not apply. Holders
of such a permit shall submit to the board from time to time, at
regular intervals to be established by the board, a statement indi-
cating in detail the ratio of food sales to the sales of alcoholic bev-
erages. If the average daily receipts from the sale of food fail for
three successive months to exceed the average daily receipts from the
sale of alcoholic beverages the board shall cancel such permit. It
shall be permissible for the licensee of a Class B, beer, wine and
liquor (on sale)—hotel and restaurants license with a special Sunday
"on-sale" permit to sell beer, wine and liquor by the drink from the
bar and/or a cocktail lounge to persons on the licensed premises.
The board of license commissioners is authorized to adopt such
rules and regulations as it may deem necessary relating to the issu-
ance, suspension and cancellation of said permits in furtherance of
this subsection.
The annual fee for such a special Sunday "on-sale" permit shall be
five hundred ($500.00) dollars, which shall be in addition to the
annual fee for the beer, wine and liquor license, Class B, to which it
shall be attached.
In Prince George's County, (a) no holder of any retail alcoholic
beverage license or any agent, servant or employee of a holder of any
alcoholic beverage license shall sell or serve any alcoholic beverages
or permit any alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the licensed
premises between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. [and no]
No holder of any retail alcoholic beverage license or any agent,
servant or employee of a holder of any alcoholic beverages license
shall be permitted to sell any alcoholic beverage or permit any alco-
holic beverage to be consumed on the licensed premises between the
hours of [12:00 midnight on Saturday] 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.