1908 Laws of Maryland Ch. 672
5.07 Status of Existing Platting Statutes
From and after the time when a planning commission shall have
control over subdivisions as provided in Section [24] 5.01 of this
subtitle, the jurisdiction of the planning commission over plats shall
be exclusive within the territory under its jurisdiction, and all statu-
tory control over plats or subdivisions of land granted by other
statutes shall, insofar as in harmony with the provisions of this
subtitle be deemed transferred to the planning commission of such
[municipality] jurisdiction.
6.00 [Buildings] Development in Mapped Streets
6.01 Reservation of Locations of Mapped Streets for Future Public
Any [municipal] planning commission is empowered, after it shall
have adopted [a major street] the transportation element of the
plan of the territory within its subdivision jurisdiction or of any
major section or district thereof, to make or cause to be made, from
time to time, surveys for the exact location of the lines of a street
TION ELEMENT in any portion of such territory and to make a
plat of the area or district thus surveyed, showing the land which
it recommends be reserved for future DEDICATION OR acquisi-
tion for public streets. AND ANY OTHER PART OF THE
TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT. The commission before adopt-
ing any such plat, shall hold a public hearing thereon, notice of
the time and place of which, with a general description of the
district or area covered by the plat, shall be given not less than
10 days previous to the time fixed therefor by one publication
in a newspaper of general circulation in the [municipality] juris-
diction if the district or area be within the [municipality] juris-
diction. After such hearing the commission may transmit the
plat, as originally made or modified as may be determined by the
commission, to [council] the local legislative body, together with
the commission's estimate of the time or times within which the
lands shown on the plat as street locations should be acquired
by the [municipality.] county or municipal corporation. There-
upon by resolution, [council] the local legislative body may approve
and adopt or may reject such plat or may modify it with the
approval of the planning commission, or, in the event of the plan-
ning commission's disapproval, [council] the local legislative body
may, by a favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of its entire
membership, modify such plat and adopt the modified plat. In the
resolution of adoption of a plat [council] the local legislative body
shall fix the period of time for which the street locations shown
upon the plat shall be deemed reserved for future taking or acqui-
sition for public use. Upon such adoption the clerk of [council] the
local legislative body shall transmit one attested copy of the plat to
the county recorder of each county in which the platted land is
located and retain one copy for the purpose of public examination.
Such approval and adoption of a plat shall not, however, be deemed
the opening or establishment of any street, nor the taking of any
land for street purposes, nor for public use, nor as a public improve-
ment, but solely as a reservation of the street locations shown there-
on, for future taking or acquisition for public use. The commission