Marvin Mandel, Governor 1905
one mile of the corporate limits of the municipality and not located
in any other municipality, except that, in the case of any such non-
municipal land lying within one mile of more than one municipality
having a planning commission under this subtitle, the jurisdiction
of each such municipal planning commission shall terminate at a
boundary line equidistant from the respective corporate limits of
such municipalities. In Frederick County the] The territorial juris-
diction of any [municipal] planning commission over the subdivision
of land shall only include land located in the [municipality] jurisdic-
tion. However, in those jurisdictions where a county has not provided
functional subdivision regulations, the territorial jurisdiction of a
planning commission of a municipal corporation may include all land
lying within one mile of the corporate limits of said municipal cor-
poration and not located in any other municipal corporation.
5.02 Scope of Control of Subdivision
Whenever a [council] local legislative body shall have adopted
[a major street] the transportation element of the plan of the terri-
tory within its subdivision jurisdiction or part thereof, and shall
have filed a certified copy of such plan in the office of the county
clerk CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT of the county in which
such territory or part is located, then no plat of a subdivision of
land within such territory or part shall be filed or recorded until
it shall have been approved by the planning commission and such
approval entered in writing on the plat by the chairman or secretary
of the commission.
5.03 Subdivision Regulations
(a) Before exercising the powers referred to in Section [25]
5.02, the planning commission shall prepare regulations governing the
subdivision of land within its jurisdiction. Such regulations may
provide for adequate shore erosion control, SEDIMENT CONTROL
AND PROTECTION FROM FLOODING, the proper arrangement
of streets, in relation to other existing planned streets and to the
master plan, for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic,
utilities, access of fire-fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air,
and for the avoidance of congestion of population, including mini-
mum width and area of lots.
(b) Such regulations may include provision as to the extent to
which streets and other ways shall be graded and improved, to which
soil erosion or sediment control shall be provided, and to which
water and sewer and other utility mains, piping, or other facilities
shall be installed as a condition precedent to the approval of the plat.
The regulations or practice of the commission may provide for a
tentative approval of the plat previous to such installation; but any
such tentative approval shall be revocable and shall not be entered
on the plat. In lieu of the completion of such improvements and
utilities prior to the final approval of the plat, the commission may
accept a bond with surety to secure to the [municipality] county
or municipal corporation the actual construction and installation of
such improvements or utilities at a time and according to specifica-
tions fixed by or in accordance with the regulations of the com-