1662 Laws of Maryland Ch. 573
(k) collect, process, and analyze at regular intervals the social
and economic statistics for the region which are necessary to plan-
ning studies and make the results available to the general public;
(I) participate with other government agencies, educational insti-
tutions, and private organizations in the coordination of the re-
search activities defined above;
(m) cooperate with and provide planning assistance to county,
municipal, and other local governments, instrumentalities, or plan-
ning agencies within the region, and coordinate regional area plan-
ning with planning activities of the state and of the counties, munic-
ipalities, special districts, or other local governmental units within
the region as well as neighboring regions and with the programs
of federal departments and agencies;
(n) provide information to officials in state departments, agencies,
and instrumentalities; to federal, and local governments, and to the
public at large, in order to foster public awareness and understand-
ing of the objectives of the comprehensive plan and the functions of
regional and local planning, and in order to stimulate public interest
and participation in the orderly, integrated development of the
region; and
(o) execute any and all instruments and do and perform any and
all acts or things necessary, convenient, or desirable for its pur-
poses or to carry out the powers expressly given in this section.
(5) Organization and Committees. The Council shall elect a chair-
man from among its members and shall publish rules and establish
committees to carry on its work. Such committees may have as
members persons other than members of the Council and other than
elected officials.
(6) Director and Staff. The Council shall appoint a director who
shall be qualified by training and experience and shall serve at the
pleasure of the Council. The director shall be the chief adminis-
trative and planning officer and regular technical advisor of the
Council and shall appoint and remove the staff of the Council. The
director may make agreements with local planning agencies, within
the jurisdiction of the Tri-County Council of Public Officials, for
temporary transfer or joint use of staff employees and may con-
tract for professional or consultant services from other govern-
mental and private agencies.
(7) General Development Plan. Tri-County Council shall prepare,
adopt, and from time to time revise or amend a general development
plan for the development of the Region. The plan shall guide a co-
ordinated, adjusted, efficient and economic development of the Region
which will, in accordance with present and future needs and re-
sources best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, pros-
perity and welfare of the citizens, provide for patterns of urbaniza-
tion and the uses of land and resources for trade, industry, recrea-
tion, forestry, agriculture, and tourism, and create conditions favor-
able to the development of human resources, and otherwise promote
the general welfare of the citizens. Such plan shall identify the
public interest and the necessity for public action and intergovern-
mental cooperation and coordination within the Region and shall