Marvin Mandel, Governor 1595
slaughterer and transportation of the poultry products exclusively
for use, in the household of such owner, by him and members of his
household and his nonpaying guests and employees: Provided, That
such custom slaughterer does not engage in the business of buying
or selling any poultry products capable of use as human food;
(6) the slaughtering and processing of poultry products by any
poultry producer on his own premises with respect to sound and
healthy poultry raised on his premises and the distribution by any
person of the poultry products derived from such operations, if, in
lieu of other labeling requirements, such poultry products are identi-
fied with the name and address of such poultry producer, and if they
are not otherwise misbranded, and are sound, clean, and fit for human
food when so distributed; and
(7) the slaughtering of sound and healthy poultry or the process-
ing of poultry products of such poultry by any poultry producer or
other person for distribution by him directly to household con-
sumers, restaurants, hotels, and boarding houses, for use in their
own dining rooms, or in the preparation of meals for sales direct to
consumers, if, in lieu of other labeling requirements, such poultry
products are identified with the name and address of the processor,
and if they are not otherwise misbranded and are sound, clean, and
fit for human food when distributed by such processor.
(b) In addition to the specific exemptions authorized in subsec-
tion (a) of this section, the Board shall, when it determines that the
protection of consumers from adulterated or misbranded poultry
products will not be impaired, provide by regulation, consistent with
subsection (c) of this section for the exemption of the operation and
products of small enterprises (including poultry producers), which
are engaged in slaughtering and/or cutting up poultry for distribu-
tion as carcasses or parts thereof, solely for distribution within this
State, from such provisions of this Act as it deems appropriate, under
such conditions, including sanitary requirements, as it shall prescribe
to effectuate the purposes of this Act.
(c) The exemptions provided for in subsection (a)(5) (6) and
(6) (7) of this subsection shall not apply if the poultry producer or
other person engages in the current calendar year in the business of
buying or selling any poultry or poultry products other than as speci-
fied in such paragraphs. No exemption under subsections (a) (5),
(6) (6), (7) or (b) of this section shall apply to any poultry pro-
ducer or other person who slaughters or processes the products of
more than 5,000 turkeys or an equivalent number of poultry of other
species in the current calendar year (four birds of other species being
deemed the equivalent of one turkey).
(d) The provisions of this Act requiring inspection shall not
apply to operations of types traditionally and usually conducted at
retail stores and restaurants, when conducted at any retail store or
restaurant or similar retail-type establishment for sale in normal
retail quantities or service of such articles to consumers at such
establishments, if no poultry or poultry products are processed at
the establishment for distribution outside this State or otherwise
subject to inspection under the Federal Poultry Products Inspection
(e) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to poultry pro-
ducers with respect to poultry of their own raising on their own
farms if (i) such producers slaughter not more than 250 turkeys, or
not more than an equivalent number of birds of other species during