Marvin Mandel, Governor 159
(c) The [Commissioner] Secretary of Personnel may by rule
provide for granting leaves of absence for longer periods with pay
or with part pay to employees who may be disabled either through
injury or illness as a result of, or arising from their respective
employment; and shall make such rules as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions of this section.
Except in the case of temporary and emergency employees herein
provided for, no auditing or disbursing or other officer of the State
shall approve the payment of or be in any manner concerned in
paying, auditing or approving any salary, wage or other compen-
sation for classified services unless the person to whom such salary,
wage or other compensation is to be paid is a person in such classified
service. Subject to the approval of the Governor, the [Commis-
sioner] Secretary of Personnel may by rule prohibit the payment of
any salary, wage or other compensation to any employee holding a
position in the classified service unless a payroll or account for such
salary, wage or other compensation containing the names of the
employees to be paid, a statement of the amount to be paid each such
employee and the services on account of which the same is paid
bearing the certificate of the [Commissioner] Secretary that the
employees named in such payroll or account have been appointed or
employed and have held their positions during the period for which
compensation is claimed, in pursuance of law, and of the rules made
by the [Commissioner] Secretary under the provisions of this
article, and have complied with the terms of this article and of the
rules of the [Commissioner] Secretary, shall have been obtained by
or filed with such auditing or disbursing or other officers. Any
sums paid contrary to the provisions of this section may be recovered
from any auditing or disbursing or other officer paying or au-
thorizing the payment thereof, and from the sureties of his official
The facilities of the [Commissioner] Secretary of Personnel shall
be available upon request to any municipality of this State adopting
the merit system of appointment of public employees, and to any
county of this State adopting such system either under the Con-
stitution of this State. , Article 11A and the Act of 1918, Chapter
488 [456], Section 5-R or otherwise to the end that the merit system
may be administered in this State without unnecessary expense.
And said facilities shall also be available upon request, to the
judges of the several circuits of this State, including the City of
Baltimore, should such judges deem it desirable to require the [Com-
missioner] Secretary to provide for tests of the fitness of candidates
for deputy clerks before confirming their appointment under the
Constitution of this State, Article 4, Sections 26 and 37. Upon such
requests being made to the [Commissioner] Secretary he shall assist
in the promulgation of rules, the examination of candidates for
positions and otherwise extend the full use of his facilities, without
charge, to the officials making such request except that in the case of
the use of such facilities by any municipality or county which causes
the [Commissioner] Secretary to incur additional expenses for travel-