1582 Laws of Maryland Ch. 536
of wild waterfowl in the territory designated as the Flats and the
waters of Worcester County as set forth in Section 151 (a), as the
case may be, and every person to whom such license may be granted
shall be required to paint the name or number of the sneak boat on
some prominent part thereof in large legible letters or numbers, as
the case may be, to correspond with said name or number of license
issued to him.]
Any person convicted before any [Justice of the Peace] Court of
competent jurisdiction of this State for violating any of the provisions
of Sections [165] 166 to [173A] 171, inclusive, unless otherwise
provided, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
nor more than [fifty] one hundred dollars [($50.00)] ($100.00)
and costs for each and every offense. [, and in addition shall pay a
penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each bird found in possession
killed illegally, and] Each and every wild waterfowl caught or killed
illegally, purchased or offered for purchase, sold or offered for sale,
barter or exchange or taken or killed in excess of the bag limit or
found in possession illegally shall constitute a separate offense under
this section. Said person shall stand committed to jail until such fine
and costs have been paid, and in addition to said fine and costs the
[Justice of the Peace] said court shall order the officer making the
arrest and securing the conviction to seize and hold in custody all
vessels, crafts, sneak boats, decoys, and all other paraphernalia used
in violation of the provisions of this subheading and shall exclude
the gunning rig from the Flats for three legal gunning days which
shall include such gunning days as said gunning rig may have been
excluded prior to the determination of the case. [Provided, however,
in case of appeal the rig shall be released but in case the Court be-
fore whom said appeal is heard sustains the decision of the Justice
of the Peace, then said person or persons shall be fined double the
amount so imposed by said Justice of the Peace.]
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.
Approved May 5, 1970