1578 Laws of Maryland Ch. 535
[(b)] (a) Whenever an owner of land bordering on any wa-
ters of this State shall desire to erect a [booby, brush, or stake
blind] stationary blind or blind site in front of his property, or
other person to whom he shall give permission, he shall not place
same within 250 yards of the dividing line of any property owned
by him and the adjoining property bordering on said waters, unless
with the consent of the adjoining landowner, provided however,
that this restriction shall not apply to the small shore owner licensing
after October 10, as provided in Sections 154 (a) and 159 (c) of
this Article, and provided further that [(] the distance contained
herein shall not apply to the waters that are tributary of the
Potomac River in Charles County nor to the waters of Baltimore
County [)], same being for the purpose of allowing each landowner
bordering on any of the waters of the State permission to avail him-
self of the privilege of setting, erecting, or maintaining a [booby,
brush, or stake blind] stationary blind or blind site in front of his
property, provided he is the owner, lessee, [or] licensee or assignee
of the amount of shore frontage as required by law.
[(c)] (b) The dividing line between adjoining properties for
the purpose of determining the proper location of blinds shall be
established as follows: From the point of junction of the properties
and the water line a straight line shall be projected along the shore
of each of the properties for a distance of 200 yards. Said lines shall
follow the general contour of the shore rather than the irregularities
thereof. From the above-mentioned point of junction a line shall be
projected over the water equally dividing the arc formed by the angle
between the two straight lines laid down as above provided along
the shore lines of the respective properties.
In situations where the angle between the dividing line projected
as above and the straight line or lines along either or both of the
adjoining shores is less than 90 degrees, the Director may determine
where blinds may be placed in conformance with Section [155]
154 of this Article.
[Ch. 708, Acts 1943]
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter, use, or occupy any
other person's booby, brush, or stake blind or which is licensed as
provided for in this subheading for the purpose of hunting wild wa-
terfowl without first obtaining permission from the licensee of said
blind. Any person violating any provision of this Section shall be
deemed guilty of trespass and be subjected to the penalty as herein
provided for other violations under this subheading. The prosecu-
tion of such offenders shall be made and proceedings instituted by
the licensee of said blind or blinds.]
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to enter, use, or occupy
any other person's licensed booby, brush or stake blind, or to anchor
at or tie to any other person's licensed stake, for the purpose of
hunting wild waterfowl or any other purpose without first obtaining
the written permission of the licensee, which said requested permis-
sion must be in possession at the time such entry or use is made. The