Marvin Mandel, Governor 1533
(f) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent Com-
mission compliance with laws relating to audit or inspection of ac-
counts by or on behalf of any government contributing to the
support of the Commission.
§ 12-508. Article VII. Conflict of interest.
(a) The Commission shall adopt rules and regulations with re-
spect to conflict of interest for the commissioners of the party states,
and their alternates, if any, and for the staff of the Commission
and contractors with the Commission to the end that no member
or employee or contractor shall have a pecuniary or other incom-
patible interest in the manufacture, sale or distribution of motor
vehicles or vehicular equipment or in any facility or enterprise em-
ployed by the Commission or on its behalf for testing, conduct of
investigations or research. In addition to any penalty for violation
of such rules and regulations as may be applicable under the laws
of the violator's jurisdiction of residence, employment or business,
any violation of a Commission rule or regulation adopted pursuant
to this Article shall require the immediate discharge of any violating
employee and the immediate vacating of membership, or relinquish-
ing of status as a member on the Commission by any commissioner
or alternate. In the case of a contractor, any violation of any such
rule or regulation shall make any contract of the violator with the
Commission subject to cancellation by the Commission.
(b) Nothing contained in this Article shall be deemed to prevent
a contractor for the Commission from using any facilities subject
to his control in the performance of the contract even though such
facilities are not devoted solely to work of or done on behalf of
the Commission; nor to prevent such a contractor from receiving
remuneration or profit from the use of such facilities.
§ 12-509. Article VIII. Advisory and technical committees.
The Commission may establish such advisory and technical
committees as it may deem necessary, membership on which may
include private citizens and public officials, and may cooperate with
and use the services of any such committees and the organizations
which the members represent in furthering any of its activities.
§ 12-510. Article IX. Entry into force and withdrawal.
(a) This compact shall enter into force when enacted into law
by any six or more states. Thereafter, this compact shall become
effective as to any other state upon its enactment thereof.
(b) Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enact-
ing a statute repealing the same, but no such withdrawal shall take
effect until one year after the executive head of the withdrawing
state has given notice in writing of the withdrawal to the executive
heads of all other party states. No withdrawal shall affect any liabil-
ity already incurred by or chargeable to a party state prior to the
time of such withdrawal.
§ 12-511. Article X. Construction and severability.
This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the
purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable