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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1530   View pdf image
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1530                             Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 534

(e)    Irrespective of the civil service, personnel or other merit
system laws of any of the party states, the Executive Director with
the approval of the Commission, or the Commission if there be no
Executive Director, shall appoint, remove or discharge such person-
nel as may be necessary for the performance of the Commission's
functions, and shall fix the duties and compensation of such per-

(f)    The Commission may establish and maintain independently
or in conjunction with any one or more of the party states, a suit-
able retirement system for its full time employees. Employees of
the Commission shall be eligible for social security coverage in re-
spect of old age and survivor's insurance provided that the Com-
mission takes such steps as may be necessary pursuant to the laws
of the United States, to participate in such program of insurance
as a governmental agency or unit. The Commission may establish
and maintain or participate in such additional programs of employee
benefits as may be appropriate.

(g)    The Commission may borrow, accept or contract for the
services of personnel from any party state, the United States, or any
subdivision or agency of the aforementioned governments, or from
any agency of two or more of the party states or their subdivisions.

(h) The Commission may accept for any of its purposes and
functions under this compact any and all donations, and grants of
money, equipment, supplies, materials and services, conditional or
otherwise, from any state, the United States, or any other govern-
mental agency and may receive, utilize and dispose of the same.

(i) The Commission may establish and maintain such facilities
as may be necessary for the transacting of its business. The Com-
mission may acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property
and any interest therein.

(j) The Commission shall adopt bylaws for the conduct of its
business and shall have the power to amend and rescind these by-
laws. The Commission shall publish its bylaws in convenient form
and shall file a copy thereof and a copy of any amendment thereto,
with the appropriate agency or officer in each of the party states.
The bylaws shall provide for appropriate notice to the commissioners
of all Commission meetings and hearings and the business to be
transacted at such meetings or hearings. Such notice shall also be
given to such agency or officers of each party state as the laws of
such party state may provide.

(k) The Commission annually shall make to the Governor and
the legislature of each party state a report covering the activities
of the Commission for the preceding year, and embodying such rec-
ommendations as may have been issued by the Commission. The
Commission may make such additional reports as it may deem de-

§ 12-505. Article IV. Research and testing.
The Commission shall have power to:

(1) Collect, correlate, analyze and evaluate information result-
ing, or derivable from research and testing activities in equipment
and related fields.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1530   View pdf image
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