Marvin Mandel, Governor 1273
at Friendship International Airport, and every kind of airport
facility now in use or hereafter designed for use by the Authority
in connection with the Airport.
[(h) Project.—The word "project" means the existing airport
facilities or any airport facility acquired, constructed, controlled,
or operated by the Authority, together with all property, rights,
easements and interests appertaining thereto and acquired for the
construction or operation thereof within the territorial jurisdiction
of Friendship International Airport.]
(h) State.—When used in this article, the word "State" means
the State of Maryland.
(i) Governor.—The word "Governor" means the Governor of
(j) City.—When used in this article, the word "City" means the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
(k) Mayor.—The word "Mayor" means the Mayor of Baltimore
(l) Acquired.—The word "acquired" shall include any property
purchased or leased by the Authority or received by the Authority
as a gift or grant.
(m) Airport.—The word "airport" means the Friendship Inter-
national Airport.
5. Powers generally.
(a) Granted.—The Authority has the powers and authority speci-
fied in this section, in addition to those specified elsewhere.
(b) Perpetual succession; suits.—To have perpetual succession,
and to sue and be sued in its own name and plead and be im-
(c) Seal.—To adopt an official seal and alter the same at its
(d) Bylaws.—To adopt, promulgate, amend and repeal bylaws
for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business.
(e) Offices.—To maintain offices at such place or places, either
within or without the State, as it determines.
(f) [Acquisition, etc., of Friendship and other airport facilities.]
Construction, etc., at Airport and the establishment of rules and
regulations.—To acquire, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, im-
prove, maintain, lease as lessor or as lessee, repair and operate air-
port facilities within its territorial jurisdiction, and to establish
reasonable rules and regulations for the use of any projects which
are not inconsistent with the provisions of this article or any other
applicable law of the State of Maryland.
(g) Location and character of airport facilities.—To designate
the location and character of all airport facilities and improvements
which the Authority may hold, own or over which it is authorized
to act and to regulate all matters related to the location and charac-
ter of the facilities and improvements, within the territorial juris-
diction of the Authority.